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Hijab Fashion and Muslim Style 1.0
I AM HERE TO SHARE WITH YOU HIJABBERS THEVIDEOS/PICTURE TUTORIALS OF HIJAB STYLES I LIKE. I HOPE THIS WILLBRING AN INSPIRATION FOR YOU. :)IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN HIJAB TUTORIALS YOU WANT TO SHARE WITH THEHIJABBERS TUMBLRS, SEND ME A MSG! I'D LOVE TO SHARE IT HERE. :DNOTE: I DON'T CLAIMED THIS HIJAB TUTORIALS & HIJAB PHOTHOSAND PICTURE AS MINE. YOU CAN CLICK ON THE LINK AND IT WILL LEAD YOUTO THE OWNER OF THE HIJAB TUTORIALS.LET ME KNOW IF I MISS THE LINK, SO I CAN ADD THE LINK LATER ON.THANK YOU! <3<3Learn how to wear Hijab Fashion, You will see how Religion andfashion meet. many of picture for tutorial- Hijab , Jilbab , Scraf , Shawl , Pashmina Tutorials.- Many Hijabi picture.- Hijab ParisRecently, many of you have requested tips on how to wear hijab,what scarves to use, and how to style them. And so to answer yourquestions, I’ve compiled a collection everyday hijab tutorials foryou in one place, hijab styles that are easy, fuss free, andperfect for everyday.There is no right or wrong way to wear hijab. As Muslim women,we have been commanded by Allah to be modest, but there is notutorial or step-by-step process on how exactly to wear hijab inthe Quran. And so many Muslim women have created their own stylesto suit their own needs and their own style. That’s not to say thatyou have to follow one of these styles if you are a hijab-wearer;they are merely guides should you want to change up your hijab lookor just learn a little more how to wear hijab.The video tutorials in this post have been chosen for theirsimplicity and versatility. In order to be worn everyday, a stylemust be easy to replicate and be completed in a short amount oftime, especially because so many of us are pressed for time in themornings!Many of you might already know about the Youtubers below, andmany of them have several hijab tutorials, and so I picked the onesthat are perfect for everyday. If you’re interested in learningmore about a particular style or Youtuber, please click on theirname to go to their channel.
Muslim woman with Hijab 1.2
A hijab or ḥijāb (/hɪˈdʒɑːb/, /hɪˈdʒæb/,/ˈhɪ.dʒæb/ or /hɛˈdʒɑːb/;[ Arabic: حجاب‎, pronounced [ħiˈdʒæːb] or[ħiˈɡæːb]) is a veil that covers the head and chest, which isparticularly worn by some Muslim women beyond the age of puberty inthe presence of adult males outside of their immediate family. Itcan further refer to any head, face, or body covering worn byMuslim women that conforms to a certain standard of modesty. Hijabcan also be used to refer to the seclusion of women from men in thepublic sphere, or it may embody a metaphysical dimension – Al-hijabrefers to "the veil which separates man or the world from God".Most often, it is worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty,privacy and morality. According to the Encyclopedia of Islam andMuslim World, modesty in the Quran concerns both men's and women's"gaze, gait, garments, and genitalia." The Quran admonishes Muslimwomen to dress modestly and cover their breasts and genitals. MostIslamic legal systems define this type of modest dressing ascovering everything except the face and hands in public. Theseguidelines (for covering of the entire body except for the hands,the feet and the face) are found in texts of fiqh and hadithdeveloped after the revelation of the Quran but, according to some,are derived from the verses (ayahs) referencing hijab in the Quran.Many believe that the Quran itself does not mandate that women wearhijab.The term hijab in Arabic literally means “a screen or curtain”and is used in the Quran to refer to a partition. The Quran tellsthe male believers (Muslims) to talk to the wives of Muhammadbehind a curtain. This curtain was the responsibility of the menand not the wives of Muhammad. This leads some to claim that themandate of the Quran to wear hijab applies to the wives ofMuhammad, not women generally. Αlthough hijab is often seen bycritics as a tool utilized by men to control and silence women, thepractice is understood differently in different contexts.In Islamic texts - QuranThe Quran instructs both Muslim men and women to dress in a modestway:"Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest"(surah 24:30)The clearest verse on the requirement of the hijab is surah24:30–31, asking women to draw their khimār over their bosoms.And say to the believing women that they should lower their gazeand guard their modesty; that they should not display their beautyand ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; thatthey should draw their khimār over their breasts and not displaytheir beauty except to their husband, their fathers, theirhusband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothersor their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their (Muslim)women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or maleservants free of physical needs, or small children who have nosense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike theirfeet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. (Quran24:31)In the following verse, the wives of Muhammad are asked to wearclothes (when they go out), as a measure to distinguish themselvesfrom others, so that they are not harassed. Surah 33:59 reads:Those who harass believing men and believing women undeservedly,bear (on themselves) a calumny and a grievous sin. O Prophet!Enjoin your wives, your daughters, and the wives of true believersthat they should cast their outer garments over their persons (whenabroad): That is most convenient, that they may be distinguishedand not be harassed. [...] (Quran 33:58–59)
Koleksi Tutorial Desain Jilbab 1.1
Trend Fashion Hijab Modern Terbaru 2016Model terbaru saat ini lagi trend 2016Macam macam jilbab instan modern, aneka model desain kerudungterbaru contoh gambar barangkali salah satu pilihan kalian dalammemilih produk fashion terbaru jaman sekarang, Banyak sekali modelhijab, busana muslim kebaya jam kemeja celana muslim pernikahanuntuk wisuda couple serta style lain contohnya foto model sepatusandal cara memakai hijab kerudung terbaru aksesoris tangan wanitasemua bisa kalian dapatkan disini. Dan bisa beli di toko online,galeri gambar ini adalah rekomendasi katalog kompilasi yangmemiliki harga bermacam macam murah dan mahal.Untuk membeli produk fashion seperti jilbab pasmina, apriljasmine, hijab segi empat dan busana muslim wanita terbaru jamtangan dan fashion lainnya carilah di tokopedia, elevania,bukalapak, lazada dan lainnya, onlineshop tersebut merupakan tempatbelanja paling aman dan murah di internet. Saat ini kamu lihatfashion terbaru 2016 Macam macam jilbab instan modern, aneka modeldesain kerudung terbaru dalam kategori Kerudung Cantik Terbaru ,Kerudung Model Terbaru , Kerudung Modern Terbaru , Kerudung ParisTerbaru yang gambar dan fotonya bisa kalian lihat dibawah ini.Buat kalian jilbabers yang sedang mencari Macam macam jilbab danjuga desain kerudung terbaru dan kumpulan hijab modern baik darimodel elzatta maupun pasmina bisa kalian dapatkan disini denganlengkap. Demi menunjang penampilan kalian agar makin cantik denganbeberapa contoh foto yang aku sajikan buat kalian semua. Beberapadaftar merek model terbaru seperti paris hijab dan lain sebagainyabisa didapatkan lengkap khusus buat kalian, silakan dilihat sajabeberapa foto kerudung terbaru yang sudah aku sajikan di AplikasiIni.Modern Hijab LatestFashion Trend 2016The latest model is now more trend in 2016Miscellaneous hijab instant modern, various models of the design ofhoods latest example of the image perhaps one of your choices inchoosing the latest fashion products today, Many models hijab, theMuslim fashion kebaya hours shirt pants Muslim weddings tograduations couple as well as other styles for example a photomodel moccasin how to wear the hijab headscarf lady's hand all thelatest accessories can you get here. And can be purchased at onlinestores, this is a picture gallery quickly compile recommendationsthat have a wide variety of cheap prices and expensive.To purchase fashion products such as headscarves pasmina, apriljasmine, rectangular hijab and Muslim fashion latest ladies watchesand other fashion look in Tokopedia, elevania, bukalapak, lazadaand others, onlineshop is a place most safe and cheap shopping onthe internet. Nowadays you see the latest fashion in 2016 Variouskinds of modern instant hijab, various models of the latest designsin the category veil Beautiful Veil Newest, Latest Model Veil, VeilModern Gallery, Veil Latest Paris that likeness and photographs youcan see below.For those of you who are looking for jilbabers Various kinds ofheadscarves and veils latest designs and modern hijab goodcollection of models pasmina elzatta nor can you get here to thefull. By supporting your appearance to be more beautiful with somephoto examples that I present for you all. Some of the latestmodels such as the list of brands hijab paris and so forth can beobtained complete special for you, please see the latest veil justa few photos I've already presented in this application.
Amazing Iguana Wallpapers 1.1
Iguana (/ɪˈɡwɑːnə/, Spanish: [iˈɣwana]) isagenus of herbivorous lizards native to tropical areas ofMexico,Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. The genuswasfirst described in 1768 by Austrian naturalist JosephusNicolausLaurenti in his book Specimen Medicum, Exhibens SynopsinReptiliumEmendatam cum Experimentis circa Venena. Two species areincludedin the genus Iguana: the green iguana, which iswidespreadthroughout its range and a popular pet, and the LesserAntilleaniguana, which is native to the Lesser Antilles andendangered dueto habitat destruction.The word "iguana" is derived from the original Taino name forthespecies, iwana.In addition to the two species in the genus Iguana, severalotherrelated genera in the same family have common names of thespeciesincluding the word "iguana".Iguanas can range from 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m) includingtheirtail. The two species of lizard within the genus Iguanapossess adewlap, a row of spines running down their backs to theirtails, anda tiny "third eye" on their heads. This light-sensingorgan is knownas the parietal eye, visible as a pale scale on thetop of the head,and cannot make out details, just brightness.Behind their necks aresmall scales which resemble spokes, known astuberculate scales.These scales may be a variety of colors and arenot always visiblefrom close distances. They have a large roundscale on their cheeksknown as a subtympanic shield.Iguanas have great vision and can see shapes, shadows,colors,and movement at long distances. Iguanas use their eyes tonavigatethrough crowded forests, as well as for finding food. Theyusevisual signals to communicate with other members of thesamespecies.The tympanum, the iguana's ear drum, is located abovethesubtympanic shield and behind the eye. Iguanas are often hardtospot, as they tend to blend into their surroundings. Theirscalecolors are a mode of hiding from larger predators. Maleiguanas, aswell as other male members of the order Squamata, havetwohemipenes.- Green iguana from the island of St. Thomas- Green iguana, Iguana iguana, on St. Thomas- Another green iguana- A Lesser Antillean iguana in the wild in Dominica- Invasive green iguana on Grand Cayman- An iguana at an environmental reserve at La Manzanilla,Jalisco,Mexico- An iguana at Butterfly World, Stellenbosch, South Africa- Green Iguana at Bannergatta, Bangalore, India
Persian Cat Wallpapers 1.1
Persian cat hd wallpapers: Here you cangetpersian cat phone wallpaper, persian cat pictures and persiancatsmartphone backgrounds for free.The Persian cat is a long-haired breed of cat characterizedbyits round face and short muzzle. In Britain, it is sometimescalledthe Longhair or Persian Longhair. It is also known as theShiraz orShirazi, particularly in the Middle East. The firstdocumentedancestors of the Persian were imported into Europe fromPersiaaround 1620. Recognized by the cat fancy since the late19thcentury, it was developed first by the English, and then mainlybyAmerican breeders after the Second World War. Some catfancierorganizations' breed standards subsume the Himalayan andExoticShorthair as variants of this breed, while others treat themasseparate breeds.The selective breeding carried out by breeders has allowedthedevelopment of a wide variety of coat colors, but has also ledtothe creation of increasingly flat-faced Persians. Favoredbyfanciers, this head structure can bring with it a number ofhealthproblems. As is the case with the Siamese breed, there havebeenefforts by some breeders to preserve the older type of cat,thetraditional breed, having a more pronounced muzzle, which ismorepopular with the general public. Hereditary polycystickidneydisease is prevalent in the breed, affecting almost halfthepopulation in some countries.The placid and unpretentious nature of the Persian evincesapropensity for apartment living. It has been the most popularbreedin the United States for many years but its popularity hasseen adecline in Britain and France.It is not clear when longhaired cats first appeared, as thereareno known long-haired specimens of the African wildcat, theancestorof the domestic subspecies. There were claims[by whom?] inthe 19thcentury that the gene responsible for long hair wasintroducedthrough hybridization with the Pallas cat, but researchin the early20th century refutes this theory.An Angora/Persian from The Royal Natural History (1894).The first documented ancestors of the Persian were importedfromKhorasan, Persia, into Italy in 1620 by Pietro della Valle,andfrom Angora (now Ankara), Turkey, into France byNicholas-ClaudeFabri de Peiresc at around the same time. TheKhorasan cats weregrey coated while those from Angora were white.From France, theysoon reached Britain. Longhaired cats were alsoimported to Europefrom Afghanistan, Burma, China and Russia.Interbreeding of thevarious types was common, especially betweenAngoras andPersians.Recent genetic research indicates that present day Persiansarerelated not to cats from the Near East but to cats fromWesternEurope. The researchers stated, "Even though the earlyPersian catmay have in fact originated from ancient Persia, themodern Persiancat has lost its phylogeographical signature.
Cek NIP & Profil PNS 1.3
Aplikasi ini difungsikan untuk membantu &mempermudah user dalam pengecekan Profil PNSNIP - Nomor Induk PegawaiCek NIP & Profil PNS* Ketika Server Sedang bermasalah atau sedang proses sinkrondengan server PUPNS maka menu cek nip tidak berfungsi sebagaimanamestinya *Kritik, saran dan masukan sangat kami nantikan demi kemajuanbersama, terimakasih dan selamat menggunakan aplikasi ini.Sumber : Peraturan Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara No. 22 tahun2007 tanggal 28 maret 2007, tentang Nomor Identitas Pegawai NegeriSipilNIP terdiri atas 18 (Delapan Belas) Digit, Nomor IdentitasPegawai (NIP) adalah nomor unik yang diberikan kepada setiap PNSsebagai identitas kepegawaiannya yang terdiri dari 18 digit yangmemuat tahun, bulan dan tanggal lahir, tahun dan bulan pengangkatanpertama sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS), jenis kelamin,dan nomor urut.Terkait dengan NIP ini, bagi Rekan-rekan PNS yang inginmengetahui data diri maupun status kepegawaiannya yang valid padaBadan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN). Saat ini pada situs resmi / websiteBKN di telah disediakan sebuah fasilitas / fitur yangdiperuntukkan bagi seluruh PNS (Pegawai Negeri Sipil) yang ada diseluruh wilayah Indonesia dalam memastikan kebenarandata-datanya.-----------------------------------Aplikasi ini bukan aplikasi resmi dari pemerintah.Pihak pengembang tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan penyediakonten.Bertujuan untuk memudahkan pengguna untuk mengaksesnya.Disclaimer : Aplikasi ini tidak berafiliasi dengan bkn,bkn.go.idThis application isenabled to assist and facilitate the user in checking Profile PNSNIP - Employee Identification NumberChecks NIP & Profile PNS* When Server Medium problematic or are synchronized with theserver process PUPNS then check nip menu not working properly *Criticism, suggestions and feedback is greatly welcomed for thefuture progress, thanks and congratulations using thisapplication.Source: The Regulation of the State Employment Agency No. 22 of2007 dated 28 March 2007, on the Civil Servant IdentificationNumberNIP consists of 18 (Eighteen) Digits, Employer IdentificationNumber (NIP) is a unique number given to every civil servant as theidentity of its personnel consisting of 18 digits which includesthe year, month and date of birth, year and month of firstappointment as a candidate for Civil Servants civil (CPNS), gender,and serial number.Related to this NIP, for fellow civil servants who want to knowthe data themselves or their employment status is valid on theCivil Service Agency (BKN). Currently the official website /website BKN in has provided a facility / featurereserved for all civil servants (Civil Servants) in all parts ofIndonesia in ensuring truth data.-----------------------------------This app is not an official application from thegovernment.The developer has no affiliation with the content provider.Aims to facilitate users to access them.Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated with BKN,
Dead Pixel Test 1.1
* With No Ads *Defective pixels are pixels on a liquid crystal display(LCD)that are not performing as expected. The ISO standard ISO13406-2distinguishes between three different types of defectivepixels,while hardware companies tend to have furtherdistinguishingtypes.A photograph taken with a damaged image sensorSimilar defects can also occur in a charge-coupled device (CCD)orCMOS image sensor in digital cameras. In these devices,defectivepixels fail to sense light levels correctly, whereasdefectivepixels in LCDs fail to reproduce light levelscorrectly.Variations[edit]Dark dot defects[edit]A dark dot defect is usually caused by a transistor inthetransparent electrode layer that is stuck "on" for TN panelsor"off" for MVA/PVA and IPS panels. In that state, thetransistorplaces the liquid crystal material in such a way that nolight everpasses through to the RGB layer of the display.Bright dot defects[edit]Hundreds of hot pixels appear in a 32 minute longexposurephotograph taken in virtual darkness. Note: Must be viewedat fullsize.A bright dot defect[3] is a group of three sub-pixels (onepixel)all of whose transistors are "off" for TN panels or stuck"on" forMVA/PVA panels. This allows all light to pass through tothe RGBlayer, creating a bright white pixel that is always on. Thisiscommonly known as a "hot pixel".Partial sub-pixel defects[edit]A partial sub-pixel defect[3] is a manufacturing defect in whichtheRGB film layer was not cut properly.Tape automated bonding (TAB) faults[edit]A TAB fault[3] is caused by a connection failure from the TABthatconnects the transparent electrode layers to the video driverboardof an LCD.TAB is one of several methods employed in theLCDdisplay-manufacturing process to electrically connect hundredsofsignal paths going to the rows and columns of electrodes in layer6(the transparent electrode layer) in the LCD display to thevideoICs on the driver board that drives these electrodes.If an LCD display is subjected to physical shock, thiscouldcause one or more TAB connections to fail inside the display.Thisfailure is often caused by horizontally flexing the chassis(e.g.,while wall-mounting or transporting a display face up/down)orsimple failure of the adhesive holding the TAB against theglass.TAB faults require replacement of the LCD display moduleitself. Ifthese connections were to fail, the effect would be thatan entirerow or column of pixels would fail to activate. Thiscauses ahorizontal or vertical black line to appear on the displaywhilethe rest of the display would appear normal. The horizontalfailureruns from edge-to-edge; the vertical failure runsfromtop-to-bottom.Hardware manufacturers and distributors tend to claim thatTABfaults, as opposed to other physical defects that may be foundinan LCD, do not allow for repair.[3]Stuck sub-pixels[edit]A stuck sub-pixel[3] is a pixel that is always "on". This isusuallycaused by a transistor that is not getting any power, andistherefore continuously allowing light at that point to passthroughto the RGB layer. This means that any given pixel will stayred,blue, or green, and will not change when attempting to displayanimage. These pixels may only show up using certain applications,orthey may be on all of the time.Stuck versus dead pixels[edit]Stuck pixels are often incorrectly referred to as "deadpixels",which have a similar appearance. In a dead pixel, allthreesub-pixels are permanently off, producing a pixel whichispermanently black. Dead pixels can result fromsimilarmanufacturing anomalies as stuck pixels, but may also occurfrom anon-functioning transistor resulting in complete lack ofpower tothe pixel.[citation needed] Dead pixels are much lesslikely tocorrect themselves over time or be repaired through any ofseveralpopular methods.[citation needed]
Gending Tayub (Javanese Dance) 1.0
Javanese dance is the dances and art formsthatwere created and influenced by Javanese culture. Javanesedancemovement is controlled, deliberate and refined. Javanese artoftendisplays a finesse, and at the same time a serene composurewhich iselevated far above everything mundane.[1] Javanese danceis usuallyassociated with courtly, refined and sophisticatedculture of theJavanese kratons, such as the bedhaya and srimpidance. However, ina wider sense, Javanese dance also includes thedances of Javanesecommoners and villagers such as ronggeng, tayub,reog, and KudaLumping.Javanese dance and its discipline has different stylesandphilosophy compared to other Indonesian dance traditions.Unlikevigorous and expressive Balinese dance or cheerful andslightlysensual Sundanese dance, Javanese dance are commonlyinvolving slowmovements and graceful poses. Javanese dance havesomewhat ameditative quality and tends to be moreself-reflective,introspective and more oriented towardself-understanding.[2]Javanese dance is usually associated withWayang wong, and thepalaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta due to thenature of dancebeing a pusaka or sacred heirloom from ancestors ofthe palacerulers. These expressive dances are more than justdances, they arealso used for moral education, emotionalexpression, and spreadingof the Javanese culture.
Muslim Mosque Photo Gallery 1.2
A mosque (/mɒsk/; from Arabic: مسجد‎ masjid)isa place of worship for followers of Islam.There are strict and detailed requirements in Sunni fiqh foraplace of worship to be considered a mosque, with places that donotmeet these requirements regarded as musallas. There arestringentrestrictions on the uses of the area formally demarcatedas themosque (which is often a small portion of the largercomplex), and,in the Islamic Sharia law, after an area is formallydesignated asa mosque, it remains so until the Last Day.Many mosques have elaborate domes, minarets, and prayer halls,invarying styles of architecture. Mosques originated on theArabianPeninsula, but are now found in all inhabited continents.The mosqueserves as a place where Muslims can come together forsalat (صلاةṣalāt, meaning "prayer") as well as a center forinformation,education, and dispute settlement. The imam leads thecongregationin prayer.EtymologyThe word entered English from a French word that probablyderivedfrom Italian moschea, a variant of Italian moscheta, fromeitherMiddle Armenian մզկիթ (mzkit‘) or Medieval Greekμασγίδιον(masgídion) or Spanish mezquita, from the Arabic مسجدmasjidmeaning "place of worship" or "prostration in prayer", eitherfromNabataean masgĕdhā́ or from Arabic سجد sajada meaning "to bowdownin prayer", probably ultimately from Aramaic sĕghēdh.
President Abdurrahman Wahid 1.2
Abdurrahman Wahid, born Abdurrahmanad-Dakhil(About this sound pronunciation (help·info)ahb-doo-rah-mahnwah-heed; 7 September 1940 – 30 December 2009),colloquially knownas About this sound Gus Dur (help·info), was anIndonesian Muslimreligious and political leader who served as thePresident ofIndonesia from 1999 to 2001. The long-time president oftheNahdlatul Ulama and the founder of the National AwakeningParty(PKB), Wahid was the first elected president of Indonesiaafter theresignation of Suharto in 1998.His popular nickname Gus Dur, is derived from Gus, acommonhonorific for a son of kyai, from short-form of bagus('handsomelad' in Javanese language); and Dur, short-form of hisname,Abdurrahman.Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil Wahid was born on the fourth day oftheeighth month of the Islamic calendar in 1940 in Jombang, EastJavato Abdul Wahid Hasyim and Siti Solichah. This led to a beliefthathe was born on 4 August; instead, using the Islamic calendartomark his birth date meant that he was actually born on 4Sha'aban,equivalent to 7 September 1940.He was named after Abd ar-Rahman I of the Umayyad Caliphatewhobrought Islam to Spain and was thus nicknamed "ad-Dakhil"("theconqueror"). His name is stylized in the traditional Arabicnamingsystem as "Abdurrahman, son of Wahid". His family is Javaneseofmixed Chinese-Arabic origins with some native blood. Fromhispaternal line, he is descended from a well-known Moslemmissionaryfrom China known as Syekh Abdul Qadir Tan Kiem Han whowas adisciple of Sunan Ngampel-Denta (Raden Rahmat Bong Swie Hoo) –oneof the Nine Wali (Holy Islamic Saints) who became one of thefirstIslamic Kings on Java who islamicized Java in the15-16thcenturies.He was the oldest of his five siblings, and was born into averyprestigious family in the East Java Muslim community. Hispaternalgrandfather, Hasyim Asy'ari was the founder of NahdlatulUlama (NU)while his maternal grandfather, Bisri Syansuri was thefirst Muslimeducator to introduce classes for women.[5] Wahid'sfather, WahidHasyim, was involved in the nationalist movement andwould go on tobe Indonesia's first Minister of ReligiousAffairs.In 1944, Wahid moved from Jombang to Jakarta where his fatherwasinvolved with the Consultative Council of IndonesianMuslims(Masyumi), an organization established by the ImperialJapaneseArmy which occupied Indonesia at the time. After theIndonesianDeclaration of Independence on 17 August 1945, Wahidmoved back toJombang and remained there during the fight forindependence fromthe Netherlands during the Indonesian NationalRevolution. At theend of the war in 1949, Wahid moved to Jakarta ashis father hadbeen appointed Minister of Religious Affairs. He waseducated inJakarta, going to KRIS Primary School before moving toMatramanPerwari Primary School. Wahid was also encouraged toreadnon-Muslim books, magazines, and newspapers by his fathertofurther broaden his horizons.[6] He stayed in Jakarta withhisfamily even after his father's removal as Minister ofReligiousAffairs in 1952. In April 1953, Wahid's father died afterbeinginvolved in a car crash.In 1954, Wahid began Junior High School. That year, he failedtograduate to the next year and was forced to repeat. His motherthenmade the decision to send him to Yogyakarta to continuehiseducation. In 1957, after graduating from Junior High School,hemoved to Magelang to begin Muslim Education at TegalrejoPesantren(Muslim school). He completed the pesantren course in twoyearsinstead of the usual four. In 1959, he moved back to JombangtoPesantren Tambakberas. There, while continuing his owneducation,Wahid also received his first job as a teacher and lateron asheadmaster of a madrasah affiliated with the pesantren. Wahidalsofound employment as a journalist for magazines such as HorizonandMajalah Budaya Jaya.
Alamat TIKI Titipan Kilat 1.0
Daftar Alamat kantor TIKI Titipan Kilatdiseluruh IndonesiaSejarah TIKIMemahami potensi dan kebutuhan tinggi masyarakat akanlayananpenyampaian barang titipan, perbekalan, barang berharga ataubahkandokumen usaha para pebisnis dengan tingkat mobilitas yangsangattinggi, telah menginspirasi berdirinya sebuah usaha jasapenitipanbarang yang dikenal masyarakat dengan nama TIKI(TitipanKilat).Dengan keinginan mulia PT. Citra Van Titipan Kilatresmididirikan pada 1 September 1970. Berkat tangan dingin dankeuletanBpk.Soeprapto dan Ny. Nuraini Soeprapto sebagai perintisusaha danpemegang saham, TIKI mulai menapak dengan kokoh ditengahpersainganbisnis jasa pengiriman barang yang terus menggeliatseiringperkembangan teknologi dan kebutuhan masyarakat di seluruhdunia,khususnya masyarakat Indonesia.Kepedulian menjadi pondasi yang kuat dalam mencapai tujuanutamaTIKI, yaitu untuk selalu bermanfaat bagi seluruhlapisanmasyarakat,dan tujuan tersebut semakin nyata ketika IrawanSaputra(almarhum), Gideon Wiraseputra, dan Raphael Rusmadi pada1972bekerja sama, saling bersinergi untuk membawa TIKI meraihvisiutamanya menjadi perusahaan ekspres pilihan indonesia yangmampubersaing dan berjaya di kancah bisnis internasional.Komitmen manajemen dalam memotivasi danmenciptakan iklimkerjayang kondusif, menjadi konsentrasi utama manajemen TIKIdalammenyulut semangat, kreativitas dan loyalitas seluruhlapisanpersonil TIKI. Dengan dilengkapi sistem yang memadai,dukungan dariPT Titipan KILAT Suprapto sebagai unit anak perusahaankargo yangmenangani pengiriman barang domestik dan internasionalbaik melaluiudara, laut, darat, serta pergerakan layanan eksporimpor. SertaTIKINDO dan TIKITA yang menangani jasa perjalanan yangterkait baikdomestik maupun internasional, dengan bangga personilTIKI selaluberupaya untuk mempersembahkan layanan optimal seiringdengankegiatan usaha TIKI yang terus meningkat secarasignifikan.Seiring dengan perkembangan bisnis usaha dankebutuhanmasyarakat, TIKI selalu berupaya untuk mengembangkanjaringan yangdiawali dengan kota-kota besar di Indonesia seperti:Pangkal Pinang(Sumatera), Semarang (Jawa Tengah) dan Surabaya (JawaTimur) danterus meluas hingga ke pelosok Indonesia. Berkat dukungansejumlaharmada, personil dan minat besar masyarakat, TIKI menjadilebihkuat dan berhasil menjaga stabilitasnya.Bertahun-tahun kerja keras, semangat dan kreativitas TIKItelahberhasil menjadi mitra jasa Titipan Kilat yang profesionaldanterkemuka di dunia.Address List TIKICourierExpress offices throughout IndonesiaTIKI historyUnderstanding the potential and high need communitieswillservice consignment delivery, supplies, valuables orbusinessdocuments even businesses with a very high degree ofmobility, hasinspired the establishment of a day care servicebusiness itemsknown to the public under the name TIKI (CourierExpress) .With thedesire precious PT. Citra Van Courier Expressofficiallyestablished on September 1, 1970. Due to the cold handsandtenacity Bpk.Soeprapto and Ny. Nuraini Soeprapto as apioneeringventure and shareholders, TIKI start with a sturdy treadamidincreasingly competitive business of freight that continuestowrithe as the development of technology and the needs ofpeoplearound the world, especially the people of Indonesia.Concern become a strong foundation in achieving the maingoalTIKI, that's always beneficial to the whole society, and thatgoalmore real when Irawan Saputra (deceased), Gideon Wiraseputra,andRaphael Rusmadi in 1972 to work together, build synergy tobringTIKI achieve the vision the main Indonesian selection expressafirm that can compete and prosper in the internationalbusinessarena.Management commitment to motivating and creating aconduciveworking environment, becoming a major concentration inmanagementTIKI ignite passion, creativity and loyalty of all levelsofpersonnel TIKI. With a system equipped with adequate supportfromPT Courier KILAT Suprapto as cargo subsidiary unit thathandlesdomestic and international freight forwarding by air, sea,land, aswell as the movement of trade services. As well TIKINDO andTIKITAthat handle travel related services both domesticallyandinternationally, is pleased to TIKI personnel are always workingtooffer optimal services in line with business activityTIKIincreasing significantly.Along with business development efforts and community needs,TIKIalways seeks to develop a network that begins with the bigcities inIndonesia such as: Pangkal Pinang (Sumatra), Semarang(Central Java)and Surabaya (East Java) and continues to spread toremote Indonesia, Thanks to the support of a number of fleet,personnel andinterests of the community, TIKI become stronger andmanaged to keepstability.Many years of hard work, passion and creativity TIKI hasmanagedto become partners Courier Express professional servicesandleading in the world.
Wallpaper Gunung Semeru 1.1
Gunung Semeru atau Sumeru adalah sebuahgunungberapi kerucut di Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Gunung Semerumerupakangunung tertinggi di Pulau Jawa, dengan puncaknya Mahameru,3.676meter dari permukaan laut (mdpl). Gunung Semeru jugamerupakangunung berapi tertinggi ketiga di Indonesia setelah GunungKerincidi Sumatera dan Gunung Rinjani di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Kawahdipuncak Gunung Semeru dikenal dengan nama Jonggring Saloko.GunungSemeru secara administratif termasuk dalam wilayah duakabupaten,yakni Kabupaten Malang dan Kabupaten Lumajang, ProvinsiJawa Timur.Gunung ini termasuk dalam kawasan Taman Nasional BromoTenggerSemeru.Semeru mempunyai kawasan hutan Dipterokarp Bukit,hutanDipterokarp Atas, hutan Montane, dan Hutan Ericaceous atauhutangunung.Posisi geografis Semeru terletak antara 8°06' LS dan112°55'BT.Pada tahun 1913 dan 1946 Kawah Jonggring Saloka memilikikubahdengan ketinggian 3.744,8 m hingga akhir November 1973.Disebelahselatan, kubah ini mendobrak tepi kawah menyebabkan aliranlavamengarah ke sisi selatan meliputi daerah Pronojiwo danCandipuro diLumajang.Diperlukan waktu sekitar empat hari untuk mendaki puncakgunungSemeru pergi-pulang. Untuk mendaki gunung dapat ditempuhlewat kotaMalang atau Lumajang. Dari terminal Kota Malang naikangkutan umummenuju desa Tumpang. Disambung lagi dengan jeep atautruk/pickupyang banyak terdapat di belakang pasar terminal Tumpangdenganbiaya per orang Rp20.000,00 hingga Pos Ranu Pani.Sebelumnya mampir di Gubugklakah untuk memperoleh suratizin,dengan perincian, biaya surat izin Rp6.000,00 untuk maksimal10orang, Karcis masuk taman Rp2.000,00 per orang, Asuransi perorangRp2.000,00Dengan menggunakan truk sayuran atau jip perjalanan dimulaidariTumpang menuju Ranu Pani, desa terakhir di kaki semeru. Disiniterdapat Pos pemeriksaan, terdapat juga warung danpondokpenginapan. Bagi pendaki yang membawa tenda dikenakan biayaRp20.000,00/tenda dan apabila membawa kamera juga dikenakan biayaRp5.000,00/buah. Di pos ini pun dapat mencari portir (wargalokaluntuk membantu menunjukkan arah pendakian, mengangkat barangdanmemasak). Pendaki juga dapat bermalam di Pos penjagaan. Di PosRanuPani juga terdapat dua buah danau yakni Ranu Pani (1 ha) danRanuRegulo (0,75 ha). Terletak pada ketinggian 2.200 mdpl.Setelah sampai di gapura "selamat datang", memperhatikan teruskekiri ke arah bukit, tapi jangan mengikuti jalanan yang lebar kearahkebun penduduk. Selain jalur yang biasa dilewati para pendaki,jugaada jalur pintas yang biasa dipakai para pendaki lokal, jalurinisangat curam.Jalur awal landai, menyusuri lereng bukit yang didominasidengantumbuhan alang-alang. Tidak ada tanda penunjuk arah jalan,tetapiterdapat tanda ukuran jarak pada setiap 100 m. Banyakterdapatpohon tumbang, dan ranting-ranting di atas kepala.Setelah berjalan sekitar 5 km menyusuri lereng bukit yangbanyakditumbuhi bunga edelweis, lalu akan sampai di Watu Rejeng. Disiniterdapat batu terjal yang sangat indah. Pemandangan sangatindah kearah lembah dan bukit-bukit, yang ditumbuhi hutan cemaradan pinus.Kadangkala dapat menyaksikan kepulan asap dari puncaksemeru. Untukmenuju Ranu Kumbolo masih harus menempuh jarak sekitar4,5 km.Ranu KumboloDi Ranu Kumbolo dapat didirikan tenda. Juga terdapat pondokpendaki(shelter). Terdapat danau dengan air yang bersih danmemilikipemandangan indah terutama di pagi hari dapat menyaksikanmatahariterbit disela-sela bukit. Banyak terdapat ikan, kadangburungbelibis liar. Ranu Kumbolo berada pada ketinggian 2.400 mdenganluas 14 ha.Mount Semeru or Sumeruisa stratovolcano in East Java, Indonesia. Mount Semeru isthehighest mountain in Java, with Mahameru peak, 3,676 metersabovesea level (masl). Mount Semeru is also the third highestvolcano inIndonesia after Mount Kerinci in Sumatra and MountRinjani in WestNusa Tenggara. The crater at the summit of MountSemeru knownJonggring Saloko. Mount Semeru is administrativelyincluded in thetwo districts, namely Malang and Lumajang, East JavaProvince. Themountain is included within the Bromo Tengger SemeruNational Park.Semeru has a forest area Dipterokarp Hill, DipterokarpforestUpper Montane forest, and forest Ericaceous ormountainforests.Semeru geographical position located between 8 ° 06 'latitudeand112 ° 55' east longitude.In 1913 and 1946 Crater Jonggring Saloka has a dome with aheightof 3744.8 m to the end of November 1973. Adjacent to thesouth, thedome is to break the edge of the crater caused lava flowleads tothe southern side covers an area Pronojiwo and CandipuroinLumajang.It takes about four days to climb the peak of MountSemerugo-home. To climb the mountain can be reached via the townofMalang or Lumajang. From the terminal Malang ridepublictransportation to the village Tumpang. Connected again with ajeepor truck / pickup that is widely available in the marketbehindTumpang terminal at a cost per person Rp20.000,00 to RanuPaniPos.Previous stopped at Gubugklakah to obtain a permit, withthedetails, costs Rp6.000,00 license for up to 10 people, agardenRp2.000,00 Admission per person, per personRp2.000,00InsuranceBy using a vegetable truck or jeep journey beginsfromOverlapping to Ranu Pani, the last village at the foot semeru.Herethere is a checkpoint, there are also stalls and the CottageInn.For climbers who bring tents charged Rp 20.000,00 / tent andwhencarrying the camera also charged USD 5000.00 / fruit. In thispostcan look for a porter (local residents to help orientateclimbing,lifting and cooking). Climbers can also spend the night attheguard post. In Pos Ranu Pani also has two lakes namely Ranu Pani(1ha) and Ranu Regulo (0.75 ha). Located at an altitude of2,200meters above sea level.After arriving at the gate "welcome", pay attention to keeptothe left towards the hills, but do not follow the widestreettoward the gardens of the population. In addition to theusual paththrough which the climbers, there is also a shortcut thatisusually used by local climbers, this path is very steep.The initial path ramps, down the hillside dominated byreedplants. There was no sign signpost street, but there aresignsmeasure the distance to each of 100 m. There are many fallentreesand branches overhead.After walking about 5 km down a hillside overgrown withedelweissflower, and will arrive at Watu Rejeng. Here there is averybeautiful steep rock. The scenery is very beautiful over thevalleyand the hills, overgrown with spruce and pine forests.Sometimes cansee the smoke from the summit semeru. To reach RanuKumbolo stillhave a distance of about 4.5 km.Ranu KumboloRanu Kumbolo can set up a tent. There is also a climbershut(shelter). There is a lake with water that is clean and hasalovely view especially in the morning can watch the sunrise onthesidelines of the hill. There are many fish, sometimes wildgrouse.Ranu Kumbolo located at an altitude of 2,400 m with an areaof ​​14ha.
Lirik Lagu Campursari 1.0
Koleksi Terbaru Lirik Lagu Campursari,Dangdut,Koplo Jawa Terlengkap 691 JudulIstilah campursari dalam dunia musik nasional Indonesiamengacupada campuran (crossover) beberapa genre musikkontemporerIndonesia. Nama campursari diambil dari bahasa Jawa yangsebenarnyabersifat umum. Musik campursari di wilayah Jawa bagiantengahhingga timur khususnya terkait dengan modifikasi alat-alatmusikgamelan sehingga dapat dikombinasi dengan instrumen musikbarat,atau sebaliknya. Dalam kenyataannya, instrumen-instrumen'asing'ini 'tunduk' pada pakem musik yang disukai masyarakatsetempat:langgam Jawa dan gending.Campursari pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh Manthousdenganmemasukkan keyboard ke dalam orkestrasi gamelan pada sekitarakhirdekade 1980-an melalui kelompok gamelan "Maju Lancar".Kemudiansecara pesat masuk unsur-unsur baru seperti langgamJawa(keroncong) serta akhirnya dangdut. Pada dekade 2000-antelahdikenal bentuk-bentuk campursari yang merupakan campurangamelandan keroncong (misalnya Kena Goda dari Nurhana), campurangamelandan dangdut, serta campuran keroncong dan dangdut (congdut,populerdari lagu-lagu Didi Kempot). Meskipun perkembangancampursaribanyak dikritik oleh para pendukung kemurnianaliran-aliran musikini, semua pihak sepakat bahwa campursarimerevitalisasimusik-musik tradisional di wilayah tanah Jawa.New CollectionlyricsCampursari, Dangdut, Koplo Java Complete 691 TitleCampursari term in the world of national music Indonesiarefersto the mixture (crossover) some contemporary Indonesianmusicgenre. Campursari name is taken from the Java language isactuallya general nature. Music campursari in the area of ​​centralJava tothe east, especially related to the modification of gamelanmusicalinstruments that can be combined with western musicalinstruments,or vice versa. In fact, the instruments 'foreign' this'subject' inthe grip of music preferred by local communities andgending Javastyle.Campursari first popularized by Manthous byincorporatingkeyboards into the gamelan orchestra in the late 1980sthrough theensemble "Forward Current". Then rapidly enter newelements such asJava style (kroncong) and finally dangdut. In thedecade of the2000s was known forms campursari which is a mixture ofgamelan andkeroncong (eg Kena Goda of Nurhana), a mixture ofgamelan anddangdut, and mixtures keroncong and dangdut (congdut,popular songsDidi Kempot). Despite the development of campursarimuch criticizedby proponents of purity streams of music, allparties agreed thatcampursari revitalize traditional music in theland of Java.
Lirik Lagu Banyumasan 1.0
Bagi pecinta musik khususnya yang beradadidaerah banyumas,purwokerto,cilacap,purbalingga kali ini sayaakanmenyediakan lirik lagu banyumasan dari kumpulanlagubanyumasan-memang lagu ini menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagiparaputra daerahnya,kadang kala ada beberapa daerah mempunyailagudaerahnya masing masing untuk itu lagu banyumasan kali iniakansaya share secara gratis tentunya hanya di aplikasi LirikLaguBanyumasan berikut judul dan llirik lagu lengkap didalamnya.For musiclovers,especially those in Banyumas, purwokerto, cilacap,purbalingga thistime I will provide song lyrics banyumasan of acollection of songsbanyumasan-did this song become a mainattraction for the sons ofthe region, sometimes there are someareas have songs their ownareas for that song banyumasan this timeI will share it for freeof course, only in the application lyricsBanyumasan following thetitle and llirik complete song in it.
Raja Ampat Islands 1.1
As stunningly beautiful above water as itisbelow, Raja Ampat (which literally translates as “The FourKings”)has a startling diversity of habitats to explore.## Raja Ampat IslandsLocated off the northwest tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on theislandof New Guinea, in Indonesia's West Papua province, RajaAmpat, orthe Four Kings, is an archipelago comprising over 1,500smallislands, cays, and shoals surrounding the four main islandsofMisool, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo, and the smaller islandofKofiau. The Raja Ampat archipelago is the part of CoralTrianglewhich contains the richest marine biodiversity onearth.Raja Ampat Regency is a new regency which separated fromSorongRegency in 2004. The population of the Regency wasrecently(January 2014) put at 49, 048. It encompasses more than40,000 km²of land and sea, which also contains Cenderawasih Bay,the largestmarine national park in Indonesia. It is a part of thenewly namedWest Papua province of Indonesia which was formerlyIrian Jaya.Some of the islands are the most northern pieces of landin theAustralian continent.Raja Ampat is considered the global epicenter of tropicalmarinebio-diversity and is referred to as The Crown Jewel of theBird'sHead Seascape, which also includes Cenderawasih Bay andTritonBay.## HistoryThe name of Raja Ampat comes from local mythology that tells aboutawoman who finds seven eggs. Four of the seven eggs hatch andbecomekings that occupy four of Raja Ampat biggest islands whilsttheother three become a ghost, a woman, and a stone.History shows that Raja Ampat was once a part of SultanateofTidore, an influential kingdom from Maluku. Yet, after theDutchinvaded Maluku, it was shortly claimed by the Netherlands.The first recorded sighting and landing by Europeans of theAmpatIslands was in the person of the Portuguese navigator JorgedeMenezes and his crew in 1526, on route from Biak, the Bird'sHeadPeninsula, and Waigeo, to Halmahera (Ternate).The English explorer William Dampier gave his name toDampierStrait, which separates Batanta island from Waigeo island.To theeast, there is a strait that separates Batanta from Salawati.In1759 Captain William Wilson sailing in the East IndiamanPittnavigated these waters and named one strait Pitt strait, afterhisvessel; this was probably the channel between BatantaandSalawati.## PopulationThe main occupation for people around this area is fishing sincethearea is dominated by the sea. They live in a small colony oftribesthat spreads around the area. Although traditional culturestillstrongly exists, they are very welcoming to visitors. RajaAmpatpeople are more like Ambonese than Papuan people and now someofthem are Muslim and some of them are Christian.## GeographyMarine biodiversity of Raja AmpatThe oceanic natural resources around Raja Ampat give itsignificantpotential as a tourist area. Many Sources place RajaAmpat as oneof their top ten most popular places for diving whilstit retainsthe number one ranking in terms of underwaterbiodiversity.All the best scuba diving at the Raja Ampat Islands, WestPapuaProvince, Indonesia: Misool Island, Fabiacet, Jef FamGroup,Farondi, Cape Kri, Manta Ridge,According to Conservation International, marine surveyssuggestthat the marine life diversity in the Raja Ampat area isthehighest recorded on Earth. Diversity is considerably greaterthanany other area sampled in the Coral Triangle composed ofIndonesia,Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands,and EastTimor. The Coral Triangle is the heart of the world's coralreefbiodiversity, making Raja Ampat quite possibly the richestcoralreef ecosystems in the world.
Mount Bromo - Indonesia Travel 1.1
Wonderful Indonesia - Mount Bromo -IndonesiaTravelThe famous Mount Bromo in East Java, Indonesia at sunrise.Theactive volcano has an elevation of 2329 meters (7641 ft)Photos of the sunrise at Gunung (Mount) Bromo from MountPenanjakanand a trek up to the Bromo crater in JavaIndonesia.Volcanic Mt Bromo is one of Java, Indonesia's primarytouristattractions.Sunrises and sunsets are magnificent, luringdozens ofphotographers.# DescriptionMount Bromo (Indonesian: Gunung Bromo), is an active volcanoandpart of the Tengger massif, in East Java, Indonesia. At2,329metres (7,641 ft) it is not the highest peak of the massif,but isthe most well known. The massif area is one of the mostvisitedtourist attractions in East Java, Indonesia. The volcanobelongs tothe Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The name of Bromoderivedfrom Javanese pronunciation of Brahma, the Hindu creatorgod.Sulfur is collected from inside the caldera by workers.Mount Bromo sits in the middle of a vast plain called the "SeaofSand" (Javanese: Segara Wedi or Indonesian: Lautan Pasir),aprotected nature reserve since 1919. The typical way to visitMountBromo is from the nearby mountain village of Cemoro Lawang.Fromthere it is possible to walk to the volcano in about 45minutes,but it is also possible to take an organised jeep tour,whichincludes a stop at the viewpoint on Mount Penanjakan (2,770 mor9,088 ft) (Indonesian: Gunung Penanjakan). The viewpoint onMountPenanjakan can also be reached on foot in about two hours.Depending on the degree of volcanic activity, theIndonesianCentre for Volcanology and Disaster Hazard Mitigationsometimesissues warnings against visiting Mount Bromo.# CultureOn the fourteenth day of the Hindu festival of Yadnya Kasada,theTenggerese people of Probolinggo, East Java, travel up themountainin order to make offerings of fruit, rice, vegetables,flowers andsacrifices of livestock to the mountain gods by throwingthem intothe caldera of the volcano. The origin of the ritual liesin the15th century legend where a princess named Roro Antengstarted theprincipality of Tengger with her husband, Joko Seger.The couplewere childless and therefore beseeched the assistance ofthemountain gods. The gods granted them 24 children butstipulatedthat the 25th child, named Kesuma, must be thrown intothe volcanoas a human sacrifice. The gods' request was implemented.Thetradition of throwing sacrifices into the volcano to appeasetheseancient deities continues today and is called the YadnyaKasadaceremony. Though fraught with danger, some locals riskclimbingdown into the crater in an attempt to recollect thesacrificedgoods that they believe could bring them good luck.On the Segara Wedi sand plain sits a Hindu temple calledPuraLuhur Poten. The temple holds a significant importance totheTenggerese scattered across the mountain villages, suchasNgadisari, Wonokitri, Ngadas, Argosari, Ranu Prani, Ledok OmboandWonokerso. The temple organises the annual Yadnya Kasadaceremonywhich lasts for about one month. On the 14th day, theTenggeresecongregate at Pura Luhur Poten to ask for blessings fromIda SangHyang Widi Wasa and the God of Mahameru (Mount Semeru).Then thecrowd proceeds along the crater edges of Mt Bromo whereofferingsare thrown into the crater. The major difference betweenthistemple and Balinese ones are the type of stones andbuildingmaterials. Pura Luhur Poten uses natural black stonesfromvolcanoes nearby, while Balinese temples are mostly made fromredbricks. Inside this pura, there are several buildingsandenclosures aligned in a mandala zone composition.
Harga HDD & SSD 2016 1.0
Menampilkan daftar harga HardiskExternal,Harga Hardisk Eksternal, Hardisk Laptop Eksternal Lengkapberbagaimerk dan kapasitas. Update Harga Harddisk Eksternal,Internal,Hardisk Server, SSD dan SHDD terbaru dengan KapasitasPenyimpanandari yang terkecil hingga terbesar ada di aplikasi ini.Terdapat Berbagai macam Merk, diantaranya:- Western Digital- Seagate- Toshiba- Sony- AData- Fujitsu- Patriot- Kingston- Transcend- Hitachi- HGST- Silicon Power- Corsair- Crucial- Intel- Kingfast- OCZ- Plektor- Samsung- PNY- Sandisk- Team- V-GenDari semua merk tersebut tersedia keterangan garansi, danukuranhardisk, baik Harddisk internal maupun harddisk eksternalsertamedia penyimpanan server dan NAS yang berbasis jaringan.* Diusahakan Diupdate Setiap BulanDisplays a list priceofExternal HDD, External HDD price, External Laptop NotebookCompleterange of brands and capacities. Update Rates Hard DriveExternal,Internal, Notebook Server, and SHDD latest SSD withstoragecapacity from the smallest to the largest in thisapplication.There is a wide variety of brands, including:- Western Digital- Seagate- Toshiba- Sony- Adata- Fujitsu- Patriot- Kingston- Transcend- Hitachi- HGST- Silicon Power- Corsair- Crucial- Intel- Kingfast- OCZ- Plektor- Samsung- PNY- Sandisk- Team- V-GenOf all the brands available warranty information, and the sizeofthe hard drive, either internal hard drive or external hard diskandstorage media server and NAS-based network.* Cultivated Updated Every Month
Wedding Cake Ideas 1.1
Browse the most creative wedding cakephotosand designs for a sweet and unique dessert table come yourbig day.Your wedding cake is like the exclamation point on thereceptionand it should be a total reflection of your style andtaste (punintended). See 1000's of wedding cake photos and thenfind theright baker to help you pull it off.our wedding cake may just be the most significant confectionyouever buy, so it's key to know what you're getting into. Agoodplace to start is by reading our top tips from wedding cakebakersfrom around the country. Next, the fun part (well, besidesthetasting), is to start searching through wedding cake picturestohelp figure out which wedding cake designs suit your style.Fromclassic cakes to more ornate styles, we have something foreverytaste – literally! Then check out local wedding cake bakers tofinda pro near you.
Healthy Omelette Ideas 1.1
Enjoy our favorite healthyomeletrecipes—perfect for a hearty start to the day, weekendbrunch, orbreakfast-for-dinner dish.Originating in France, omelets can be easily adapted to suitanytaste—fill with seasonal vegetables, meats, or a varietyofcheeses. Here, our favorite omelet recipes offer an arrayofflavors and tastes for a meal (anytime of day) that everyonewilllove.First up is our Classic French Omelet, the perfect way tostartoff any morning. The trick to a perfect French omelet is topullthe pan off the heat as needed, while stirring, to control howfastthe eggs cook. The finished omelet should be golden outsideandunbrowned, while still creamy at the very center.Some people are passionate about pancakes, others are wackoforwaffles, but when it comes to breakfast, I’ve always been aneggman. Beatles references aside, nothing makes me happierthanhollandaise-topped eggs Benedict with gooey orange yolksorsizzling baked eggs dotted with bacon. Yum!Still, my all-time favorite egg dish has to be the omelet.Readyin seconds, an omelet can be made with almost anything—chancesareyou have a perfect combination of fillings in your fridgerightnow. They work for any meal of the day and taste great—I lovethebalance of fluffy, golden eggs with the mild crunch ofstill-firmhot vegetables.Cooking an omelet couldn’t be easier. Basically you whisksomeeggs together, cook them in a nonstick pan with a little oil,addthe filling of your choice and then fold it and serve. Thatsaid,there is some finesse involved in making a perfect omelet.Getstep-by-step instructions on making an omelet here.It’s hard to go wrong with omelet fillings. I’ve filledomeletswith everything from gourmet prosciutto and capers toleftover redbeans and rice. Both were delicious!In cuisine, an omelette or omelet is a dish made from beateneggsquickly fried with butter or oil in a frying pan (withoutstirringas in scrambled egg). It is quite common for the omeletteto befolded around a filling such as cheese, chives, vegetables,meat(often ham and/or bacon), or some combination of the above.Toobtain a fluffy texture, whole eggs or sometimes only eggwhitesare beaten with a small amount of milk or cream, or evenwater, theidea being to have "bubbles" of water vapour trappedwithin therapidly cooked egg.HistoryThe fluffy omelette is a refined version of an ancientfood.According to Alan Davidson, the French word omelette came intouseduring the mid-16th century, but the versions alumelle andalumeteare employed by the Ménagier de Paris (II, 5) in 1393.Rabelais(Pantagruel, IV, 9) mentions an homelaicte d'oeufs, OlivierdeSerres an amelette, François Pierre La Varenne's Lecuisinierfrançois (1651) has aumelette, and the modern omeletteappears inCuisine bourgoise (1784).According to the founding legend of the annual giantEasteromelette of Bessières, Haute-Garonne, when Napoleon Bonaparteandhis army were traveling through southern France, they decidedtorest for the night near the town of Bessières. Napoleon feastedonan omelette prepared by a local innkeeper that was such aculinarydelight that he ordered the townspeople to gather all theeggs inthe village and to prepare a huge omelette for his army thenextday.## RecordsOn March 19, 1994, the largest omelette (128.5 m²; 1,383 ft²) intheworld at the time was made with 160,000 eggs in Yokohama,Japan,[6]but was subsequently overtaken by another, weighing 2,950kilograms(6,500 lb), made by the Canadian Lung Association at theBrockvilleMemorial Centre in Brockville, Ontario, Canada on May11, 2002. Inturn, that record was surpassed on August 11, 2012, byan omelettecooked by the Ferreira do Zêzere City Council inSantarém, Portugal.This record breaking omelette weighed 6,466kilograms (14,255 lb),and required 145,000 eggs and a 10.3 metrediameter pan.
Ball Python Wallpaper 1.1
The ball python (Python regius) is apythonspecies found in sub-Saharan Africa. Like all other pythons,it isa non-venomous constrictor. This is the smallest of theAfricanpythons and is popular in the pet trade, largely due toitstypically docile temperament. No subspecies arecurrentlyrecognized. It is also known as royal python. The name"ballpython" refers to the animal's tendency to curl into a ballwhenstressed or frightened. The name royal python (from theLatinregius) comes from the fact that rulers in Africa would wearthepython as jewelry.DescriptionAdults generally do not grow to more than 152–182 cm (5.0–6.0ft).Females tend to be slightly bigger than males, maturing atanaverage of 122–137 cm (4.0–4.5 ft). Males usually averagearound90–107 cm (3.0–3.5 ft). The build is stocky while the headisrelatively small. The scales are smooth and both sexes haveanalspurs on either side of the vent. Although males tend tohavelarger spurs, this is not definitive, and sex is bestdeterminedvia manual eversion of the male hemipenes or inserting aprobe intothe cloaca to check the presence of an inverted hemipenis(ifmale). When probing to determine sex, males typically measureeightto ten subcaudal scales, and females typically measure two tofoursubcaudal scales.The color pattern is typically black or dark brown withlightbrown or gold sides and dorsal blotches. The belly is a whiteorcream that may include scattered black markings. However, thoseinthe pet industries have, through selective breeding, developedmanymorphs (genetic mutations) with altered colors andpatterns.Geographic rangeThey are found in west Africa from Senegal, Mali,Guinea-Bissau,Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana,Benin, andNigeria through Cameroon, Chad and the Central AfricanRepublic toSudan and Uganda. No type locality was given in theoriginaldescription.HabitatBall pythons prefer grasslands, savannas and sparsely woodedareas.Termite mounds and empty mammal burrows are importanthabitats forthis species.BehaviorThis terrestrial species is known for its defense strategythatinvolves coiling into a tight ball when threatened, with itsheadand neck tucked away in the middle. In this state, it canliterallybe rolled around. Favored retreats include mammal burrowsand otherunderground hiding places, where they also aestivate. Incaptivity,they are considered good pets, with their relativelysmall size andplacid nature making them easy to handle. Captivebred adultsrarely bite unless severely threatened.
Pancake Ideas 1.1
Sweet or savoury, pancakes are quick andeasyto make;Top 10 pancake fillings - sweet and savoury:- Chocolate, peanut butter & banana.- Squash, goat's cheese & rosemary.- Arnold Bennett.- Crêpe Suzette.- Vegan tomato & mushroom pancake.- American blueberry.- Breakfast bacon and egg.- Buttermilk pancakes.- Vegetable.- Rhubarb compote with vanilla crème fraîche & pancakes
Harga Motherboard 2016 1.0
Pada aplikasi ini anda bisa menemukanduapilihan daftar harga yaitu Online dan OfflineDengan data Merk, Nama atau Tipe mainboard, Jenis Memory ramyangdigunakan DDR2 DDR3 DDR5, Jenis Prosesor, tipe socket dantentunyaHarga Motherboard itu sendiri.Motherboard komputer dengan berbagai merk :- Asus- Colorfull- MSI- Gigabyte- AsRock- Biostar- FoxxConn- ECS- Jetway- Intel- Dan lain-lainTemukan secara lengkap di sini daftar harga motherboard AMDdanINTEL dari semua merk-merk terkenal yang ada di pasaransekaranginihanya di Aplikasi ini.In this application,youcan find two options, namely price list Online and OfflineWith a data Brand, Name or Type mainboard, memory type DDR3 DDR2ramused DDR5, processor type, the type of motherboard socket andofcourse price itself.Computer motherboard with various brands:- Asus- Colorfull- MSI- Gigabyte- Asrock- Biostar- FoxxConn- ECS- Jetway- Intel- And othersDiscover in full here a list price of AMD and INTELmotherboardof all well-known brands on the market today inihanya inthisapplication.
Harga CPU Intel & AMD 1.1
Aplikasi Harga CPU & Prosesor Terbaru(AMDdan INTEL) terlengkaptersedia ratusan jenis CPU dengan 2 merk yaitu INTEL dan AMDHarga CPU tersedia dalam 2 versi, Online dan Offline yangbisadipilih langsungOnline data Harga dan Spesifikasi bisa di update kapan sajaOffline Hemat tidak memerlukan koneksi InternetApplication PriceLatestCPU & Processor (AMD and INTEL) completeprovided hundreds of types of CPU with two brands, namely IntelandAMDCPU price available in two versions, Online and Offline which canbeselected directlyOnline Data Prices and Specifications can be updated anytimeOffline save does not require an Internet connection
Lady Bug Wallpaper 1.1
The Coccinellidae are a family ofsmallbeetles, Ladybird, ladybug, lady beetleThe transformation of the frequently ugly or bizarreladybuglarvae into an elegant lady bug is truly one of theregularlyperformed miracles of nature. For an even closer view, youcan buyladybug kits to raise Pink Spotted Ladybugs from larvae toadult,right in your home.The Coccinellidae (/ˌkɒksɪˈnɛlɪdaɪ/) are a family ofsmallbeetles ranging from 0.8 to 18 mm (0.0315 to 0.708 inches).Theyare commonly yellow, orange, or red with small black spots ontheirwing covers, with black legs, heads and antennae. Suchcolourpatterns vary greatly, however; for example, a minority ofspecies,such as Vibidia duodecimguttata, a twelve-spotted species,havewhitish spots on a brown background. Coccinellids arefoundworldwide, with over 6,000 species described.Coccinellidae are known as ladybugs in North America,andladybirds in other areas. Entomologists in the United Stateswidelyprefer the names ladybird beetles or lady beetles as theseinsectsare not true bugs.The Coccinellidae are generally considered usefulinsects,because many species feed on aphids or scale insects, whicharepests in gardens, agricultural fields, orchards, andsimilarplaces. Within the colonies of such plant-eating pests, theywilllay hundreds of eggs, and when these hatch, the larvaewillcommence feeding immediately. However, some species dohaveunwelcome effects; among these, the most prominent arethesubfamily Epilachninae, which are plant eaters.Usually,Epilachninae are only mild agricultural pests, eating theleaves ofgrain, potatoes, beans, and various other crops, but theirnumberscan increase explosively in years when their naturalenemies, suchas parasitoid wasps that attack their eggs, are few.In suchsituations, they can do major crop damage. They occurinpractically all the major crop-producing regions of temperateandtropical countries.
Kuta Bali Sunset 1.1
Kuta BeachEverything You Need To Know About Kuta BeachThe five km long sandy stretch of Kuta is arguably the bestbeachfront in Bali. The beach is safe, partiallyclean,well-maintained.Kuta Beach is located on the western side of the island'snarrowisthmus and is considered Bali's most famous beachresortdestination. Kuta Beach is also minutes away from the NgurahRaiInternational Airport in Tuban. The nearby resorts of Tuban,Legianand Seminyak are all within close walking distance.Once a simple, rustic and quiet fishing village, Kuta Beachhaswitnessed a transformation over the past years due to the riseofvarious accommodations, dining and shopping options. Therapidgrowth owes much to visitors, beachcombers and art loversfromnearby Australia. Expatriates also helped pioneer surfing inKuta,as well.Although a rather frenzied traffic scene has becomecommonplacehere, Kuta Beach continues to attract thousands ofvisitors everyyear with its unique charm. During the peak seasonfrom July toAugust and the holiday season for Christmas and NewYear, KutaBeach is regularly fully-booked by travellers lookingforward to apleasant and affordable Bali escape.With a long broad Indian Ocean beach-front, Kuta wasoriginallydiscovered by tourists as a surfing paradise.It has long been a popular stop on the classic backpackingroutein South East Asia. Back in the 1980s they used to talk aboutthethree Ks: Katmandu in Nepal, Khao San Road in Bangkok andKuta.Today Kuta still attracts some hardcore backpackers as wellasfamilies and tourists from all over the world, and is mostnotablya playground for young visitors from Australia.Due to the ever increasing popularity of Bali, Kutaiscontinually developing, and is not short of unsightly,poorlyplanned buildings. It can come across at times to bechaotic,overcrowded and congested. However, amongst all the mayhemthisplace somehow works, and hundreds of thousands of visitorsenjoytheir time in Kuta every year.Infrastructure has come a long way in Kuta, although it isstillinsufficient for the amount of visitors who stay in the area.Someside alleys still have significant potholes and road rulesstilldon't mean very much. Most roads are constantly busy withmotorscooters, metered taxis and private cars. Instead of usingsignals,locals and the seasoned travellers honk their motorvehicles tosignal overtaking or squeezing into a tight spot nearyou. Oftencars fold in their side mirrors when negotiating narrowsinglelanes with parked vehicles. Now you can access free Wi-Fi inlocalconvenience stores, restaurants, cafes and hotels. There arehalf adozen prepaid mobile phone SIM cards available everywherewithcompetitive top up plans. Touts will persistently try to getyou tobuy something from them, whether you're walking on thestreets orseated in a restaurant.The five km long sandy stretch of Kuta is arguably the bestbeachfront in Bali. The beach is safe, partially clean,well-maintained,although the beach vendors remain annoying pushingmassages, hairbraiding, cigarettes and surf boards. The long widestretch of sandis often full of sunbathers and although most ofthe serious surfershave moved on to newer pastures, there arestill plenty of surfdudes around at most times of the year, andespecially so duringpeak season. As you move north along the beachto first Legian andthen Seminyak and Petitenget it becomesprogressively quieter andless frenetic.The area of south Kuta closest to the airport is morecorrectlyknown as Tuban, but this name is rarely used.Once the sun goes down, Kuta is the rough and ready party zoneofBali, even after the tragic events of 2002. Even the mosthardenedof party animal will find something to please them on JalanLegianat night.
Parangtritis Beach 1.1
Parangtritis is the best tourist placeforenjoying the sunset while having fun conquering sand dune withATV(All-terrain Vehicle) or walking along the beach with a carriageinthe romantic evening.Parangtritis is a popular tourist beach and village area onthesouthern coast of Java in the Bantul Regency within the provinceofthe Yogyakarta Special Region. There is a good road to theareawhich is about 30 km south of the city of Yogyakarta, locatedjuston the border between Bantul and Gunung Kidul regencies.Quite large crowds of mainly local tourists visitParangtritisover weekends and at holidays. Larger tourist buses aswell asvarious types of cheaper minibuses ply the route to thebeach fromYogyakarta. There are local tourist facilities atParangtritisincluding parking arrangements, modest hotels whichprovidevisitors with places to change and shower, and smallrestaurants.Often small ponies or horse-drawn carts can be hiredfor ridesalong the beach. Tourists also visit some of the variouscaves andsprings in the cliffs and hills near Parangtritis, such asthe GuaTapan cave and the Beji spring, which are quite close tothebeach,Parangtritis is sometimes said to be a place to meetthelegendary Nyai Loro Kidul (also known as Ratu Kidul) or 'Queenofthe South'. Local folklore warns visitors not to wear greenclothesor the Ratu Kidul is likely to try to entice the wearer intotheocean to drown. The beach is not really a good swimmingbeach.Drownings are unfortunately not uncommon at Parangtritis,partlybecause many Indonesians have never had the opportunity tolearn toswim and partly because channels, strong rips and sizablewavesoften occur off the beach.
Birthday Cake Decoration Idea 1.1
Amazing Birthday Cake IdeasEasy kids birthday cake ideas for homemade cakes, cupcakes,cakepops and 3-D masterpieces that will not only bring backchildhoodmemories.Need new ideas for birthday cakes? Check out this app tofindsome of our favorite birthday cake recipes and easy birthdaycakedecorating ideas.The birthday cake has been an integral part of thebirthdaycelebrations in western European countries since the middleof the19th century, which extended to Western culture. Certainritualsand traditions, such as singing of birthday songs,associated withbirthday cakes are common to many Western cultures.The Westerntradition of adding lit candles to the top of a birthdaycakeoriginates in 18th-century Germany. However, the intertwiningofcakes and birthday celebrations stretches back to theancientRomans. The development of the birthday cake has followedthedevelopment of culinary and confectionery advancement.Whilethroughout most of Western history, these elaborate cakesingeneral were the privilege of the wealthy, birthday cakesarenowadays common to most Western birthday celebrations. Aroundtheworld many variations of the birthday cake, or rather thebirthdaypastry and sweets, exist. There is no universal rule abouttheshape and color of a birthday cake – in recent years forexamplecakes take the form of animals or have high-quality drawingsonthem in order to fit the party theme. In India the mostpopularcake is Black Forest Cakes.In classical Roman culture, 'cakes' of flat rounds madewithflour containing nuts, leavened with yeast, and sweetenedwithhoney were occasionally served at special birthdays, but moreoftenat weddings as in Ancient Greece.In early Europe, the words for cake and bread werevirtuallyinterchangeable; the only difference being that cakes weresweetwhile bread was not. In the 15th century, bakeries inGermanyconceived the idea of marketing one-layer cakes forcustomers'birthdays as well as for only their weddings, and thusthe modernbirthday cake was born. During the 17th century, thebirthday caketook on more or less its contemporary form. However,theseelaborate cakes, which possessed many aspects of contemporarycakes(such as multiple layers, icing, and decorations), wereonlyavailable to the very wealthy. Birthday cakes became more andmoreproletarianized as a result of the industrial revolution,asmaterials and tools became more advanced and more accessible.
Artichoke Recipe & Nutrition 1.0
The globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculusvar.scolymus) is a variety of a species of thistle cultivated asafood.The edible portion of the plant consists of the flowerbudsbefore the flowers come into bloom. The buddingartichokeflower-head is a cluster of many budding small flowers(aninflorescence) together with many bracts, on an edible base.Oncethe buds bloom, the structure changes to a coarse, barelyedibleform. Another variety of the species is the cardoon, aperennialplant native to the Mediterranean region. Both wild formsandcultivated varieties (cultivars) exist.Most people's favourite part of the artichoke is the heart,butthe leaves are actually the source of the vast majority ofitshealth benefits. In clinical studies, artichoke leaf extracthasbeen proven to have potent disease-fighting andanti-ageingproperties.
Tausiah Islam Teladan Rosul 1.0.1
Aplikasi berisi tausiah islam tentangTeladanRosulullah SAWbisa digunakan untuk sumber update status, display picturebbmdllberisi sekitar 1700-an Tausiah Islam untuk anda dan semuasaudaramuslimkritik dan saran bisa disampaikan lewat email.Application containsaboutExemplary tausiah The Prophet of Islamcan be used to update the resource status, display picturebbmetc.contains about 1700 tausiah Islam to you and all the Muslimbrotherscriticisms and suggestions can be submitted via email.
Harga Memori RAM 2016 1.0
Harga Memori Ram, aplikasi ini memberikanduapiliha daftar harga ram, online yang bisa di update setiapsaat,dan offline bagi anda yang terbatas koneksi internetnya.Dari Tipe DDR1, DDR2, DDR3, sampai DDR4 ada disini, Beberapamerkram terbaik dan terbaru berikut ini :1. Corsair2. G.Skill3. Micron4. OCZ5. Mushkin6. Kingston7. Hynix8. Transcend9. Crucial10. Samsung11. Team12. AvexirdllPrices Memory Ram,thisapplication provides two piliha ram price list, online that canbeupdated at any time, and you are limited offline forinternetconnection.Type of DDR1, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4 to be here, Some of thebestbrands and the latest ram following:1. Corsair2. G.Skill3. Micron4. OCZ5. Mushkin6. Kingston7. Hynix8. Transcend9. Crucial10. Samsung11. Team12. Avexiretc
Harga Kartu VGA 2016 1.0
Daftar Harga Kartu Grafis atau biasadisebutVGA terbaru dari kubu hijau atau NVIDIA dan juga dari kubumerahatau AMDTerdiri dari berbagai macam merk VGA terkenal,diantaranya:- Asus- Galax- XFX- Power Color- Zotac- HIS- Club- Leadtex Quadro- Biostar- Colorful- Inno 3D- MSI- Digital Aliance- Gigabyte- Sapphire- Pixel View- Manli- Afox- Winfast- ForsaVGA (Kartu Grafis)VGA merupakan salah satu komponen di computer yang seringdiabaikanoleh banyak orang. Padahal VGA merupakan suatu komponenmengolahdata graphics untuk ditampilkan pada layar monitor anda.VGA yangmerupakan kepanjangan dari Video Graphics Array berfungsiuntukmengubah atau menerjemahkan sinyal digital dari computer kemonitoruntuk menampilkan grafis. Karena fungsinya yang menciptakanoutputke montor, anda wajib menggunakan VGA untuk mendukungaktivitasanda seperti untuk bermain game, menggambar ataumendesain. KartuVGA dapat dibedakan menjadi dua macam, yakni VGA OnBoard dan VGAAdd on. VGA sering disebut juga card display, kartuVGA, dan kartugrafis. VGA diletakkan di dalam CPU tepatnya slotexpansi.Processor pada kartu VGA banyak sekali macamnya karenatiapprodusen kartu VGA memiliki chipset andalannya. Ada banyakprodusenchipset kartu VGA seperti NVidia, 3DFX, S3, ATi, OTi,dansebagainya. Kartu VGA memiliki kapasitas penyimpanan yangberagamyakni dari 512 MB, 1 GB, 2GB, 3 GB, dan 4 GB. Saat ini,kartu VGAsudah mempergunakan Graphic Accelerator chipset yangmerupakanchipset terbaru dimana sudah memiliki kemampuan akselerasitigadimensi (3D) yang terintegrasikan pada chipset yangdimilikinya.Kartu VGA merupakan solusi tepat bagi anda yangmemiliki beberapaaplikasi dengan kualitas 3D. Bermain game 3Ddengan menggunakankartu VGA akan membuat game 3D yang ditampilkancitranya akan jauhlebih realistis atau nyata dengan didukungtampilan layar yanglebih besar dan lebih tajam. Kartu VGA jugamembuat multi-taskingmenjadi lebih sederhana. Beberapa kartu VGAjuga dilengkapi dengankipas sehingga dapat memberikan pendinginanmaksimal sehingga andatidak perlu khawatir terjadi overheat ketikasedang menggunakan VGAdalam waktu lama namun tetap dapat menjagakeheningan denganteknologi baling kipas yang dapat memberikan anginyang lebih besardengan putaran yang lebih rendah.List Price GraphicsCardVGA or so-called green camp or the latest from NVIDIA and alsofromthe red camp or AMDConsists of a wide range of VGA-known brands, including:- Asus- Galax- XFX- Power Color- Zotac- hIS- Club- Quadro Leadtex- Biostar- Colorful- Inno 3D- MSI- Digital Alliance- Gigabyte- Sapphire- Pixel View- Manli- Afox- WinFast- ForsaVGA (Graphics Card)VGA is one component in a computer that is often overlooked bymanypeople. Whereas VGA is a component of the data processinggraphicsfor display on your monitor screen. VGA stands for VideoGraphicsArray function to convert or translate the digital signalsfrom thecomputer to the monitor to display graphics. Because thefunctionthat creates output to montor, you must use a VGA tosupport theactivities you like to play games, drawing or designing.VGA cardscan be divided into two kinds, namely VGA On Board and VGAadd-on.VGA is often referred to as card displays, VGA card, andthegraphics card. VGA placed in precisely CPU expansion slots.Processor on the VGA card many kinds, because each VGAcardmanufacturer has its flagship chipset. There are manychipsetmanufacturers such as NVidia VGA cards, 3DFX, S3, ATI, OTI,and soforth. VGA cards have a variety of storage capacities, iefrom 512MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 3 GB, and 4 GB. Currently, VGA cardsalready usedthe Graphic Accelerator chipset which is the latestchipset whichalready has the ability to acceleratethree-dimensional (3D)integrated on the chipset has. VGA card isthe perfect solution forthose of you who have multiple applicationswith a 3D quality. Play3D games using the VGA card will make 3Dgames displayed image willbe much more realistic or tangiblesupported display screen largerand sharper. VGA card also makesmulti-tasking becomes simpler.Some VGA cards are also equipped witha fan so as to providemaximum cooling, so you do not have to worryabout going tooverheat when using VGA for a long time but stillable to maintainsilence with fan blades technology that can providelarger windwith a round lower.
Ayu Ting Ting Song Lyrics 1.0
Ayu Rosmalina (born 20 June 1992 in Depok,WestJava), better known by her stage name Ayu Ting Ting (alsospelledAyu Tingting) is an Indonesian dangdut singer who rose tofame in2011 for her song "Alamat Palsu" ("Fake Address"). Herstage name,Ting Ting, is related to virginity.Ting Ting was born in Depok, West Java on 20 June 1992 to acivilservant and his wife. She began modelling at the age of 45,and wasintroduced to dangdut around that time. Ting Ting began hermusiccareer as a wedding singer at the age of 14, earning Rp.250,000(US$ 28) per performance; that year she was also MissDepok. In 2007she recorded a solo album, Dilanjut Aja (JustContinue), withAkurama Records which included "Alamat Palsu"("Fake Address")(written by a man from Tasikmalaya) and "TingTing". "Ting Ting"used the title as a euphemism for 'virgin',including lyrics such as"saya masih ting-ting / dan terjaminting-ting" ("I'm stillting-ting / and guaranteed to beting-ting"); she later added tingting to her first name to createa stage name, at the suggestion ofher producers.In 2010, Ting Ting enrolled at Gunadharma University, takingabachelor's degree in management. However, after she becamefamousas a singer she took a leave.In 2011, four years after its release, "Alamat Palsu"becamepopular, with covers by comedian Sule and singer OlgaSyahputra.After her rise to popularity, helped in part bySyahputra, TingTing can earn Rp. 30 million for six songs. As ofOctober 2011, sheis expected to start acting.
Customer Care Miyako Indonesia 1.0
Exclusive Service Center, Customer Care&Support Address Miyako Indonesia. Electronic devicesincludetelevisions, Air conditioning, Hair dryer, Stove, Electricwaterboiler, DVD players, laptops, desktop computers, mobilephones,cameras, fans, ovens, washing machines, game consoles,printers andradios.
Tebak Lirik Lagu 1.0.1
Tebak Lirik LaguBeta v2Guess Song Lyricsbeta v2
Tebak Lagu Sheila On 7 1.15
Game Tebak Lagu Untuk Para Fans Sheila On7,Sheilagenk & Teman2 Sheila Semua!!!Hafal Musik dari Sheila On 7? Lirik Lagu? Instrumennya?pastikankemampuan Anda dengan memainkan game ini.Sheila On 7 adalah grup musik Indonesia yang berdiri pada 6Mei1996 di Yogyakarta. Grup band ini pada awalnya adalahsekumpulananak-anak sekolah dari beberapa SMA di Yogyakarta. 5Anggota diawal berdirinya adalah Duta (vokal) berasal dari SMA 4,Adam (bass)dari SMA 6, Eross (gitar) dari SMA Muhammadiyah I, Sakti(gitar)dari SMA De Britto, dan Anton (drum) berasal dari SMA BopkriI.Mereka sepakat untuk membentuk sebuah band dan membawakanlagu-lagudari kelompok Oasis, U2, Bon Jovi, Guns N' Roses, dll.Pada waktuitu juga, mereka telah memiliki beberapa lagu-laguorisinal karyamereka sendiri dan mereka mencoba untukmemperkenalkan danmembawakan lagu-lagu tersebut dengan penuh rasapercaya diri diberbagai pentas.Sheila on 7 adalah salah satu grup musik populer Indonesiadenganpersonel Duta (Akhdiyat Duta Modjo, vokal), Eross (ErossCandra,gitar), Adam (Adam Muhammad Subarkah, bass), serta Brian(BrianKresna Putro, drum). Grup yang berdiri di Yogyakarta, 6 Mei1996itu, awalnya bernama Sheila Gank yang diambil dari kata Sheiladaribahasa Celtic yang berarti musikal. Nama ini pun kemudiandiubahmenjadi On Seven, yang berarti tujuh tangga nada dalammusik. SO7dalam perjalanan bermusik telah beberapa kali mengalamiperubahanformasi. Pada Oktober 2004, Brian masuk menggantikanAnton yangdikeluarkan karena dianggap tidak disiplin. Kemudianpada Maret2006, Sakti mundur untuk belajar di Pakistan.Album Sheila On 7 di antaranya, SHEILA ON 7 (1999), KISAHKLASIKUNTUK MASA DEPAN (2000), 07 DES (2002), OST. 30 HARI MENCARICINTA(2003), PEJANTAN TANGGUH (2004), THE VERY BEST OF SHEILA ON 7JALANTERUS (2005), 507 (2006), MENENTUKAN ARAH (2008), BERLAYAR(2011),dan MUSIM YANG BAIK (2014) ini adalah album kedelapan,albumterakhir dengan label Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia.Game Guess Songs ForTheFans Sheila On 7, Sheilagenk & Teman2 Sheila All !!!Memorized music of Sheila On 7? Song lyrics? Instrument? makesureyour skills by playing this game.Sheila On 7 is Indonesian music group, established in May 6,1996in Yogyakarta. The band was at first is a group of schoolchildrenfrom several high schools in Yogyakarta. 5 Members at thebeginningof the establishment is Duta (vocals) comes from SMA 4,Adam (bass)from SMA 6, Eross (guitar) from SMA Muhammadiyah I,Sakti (guitar)from SMA De Britto, and Anton (drums) come from SMABopkri I. Theyagreed to form a band and bring the songs of thegroup Oasis, U2,Bon Jovi, Guns N 'Roses, etc. At the same time,they have had someoriginal songs of their own work and they try tointroduce and bringthe songs with full confidence in the variousperformances.Sheila on 7 is one of the popular music group with personnelDutaIndonesia (Akhdiyat Duta Modjo, vocals), Eross (ErossCandra,guitar), Adam (Adam Muhammad Subarkah, bass) and Brian(BrianKrishna Putro, drums). The group stands in Yogyakarta, May 6,1996,it was originally named Sheila Gank taken from said SheilafromCeltic language which means musicals. This name was laterchangedto On Seven, which means seven scales in music. SO7 the waymusichas encountered several lineup changes. In October 2004,Briansigned to replace Anton issued for not being disciplined. TheninMarch 2006, Way retreat to study in Pakistan.Album Sheila On 7 of them, SHEILA ON 7 (1999), CLASSIC STORYFORTHE FUTURE (2000), 07 DES (2002), OST. 30 DAY LOOKING FORLOVE(2003), stud (2004), THE VERY BEST OF SHEILA ON 7 ROADCONTINUES(2005), 507 (2006), DETERMINE DIRECTION (2008), SAIL(2011), andSEASON GOOD (2014) this is the eighth album, last albumwith thelabel of Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia.
Europe Bus Travel 1.0
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Lirik Lagu Cokelat 1.0
aplikasi terbaru koleksi lirik lagu cokelathanya untuk para fans setia, berikut ini beberapa koleksi lagu dariband Cokelat:5 Menit Untuk 5 TahunAdakahAkhiriAku Pasti Di SanaBenderaBetapa Aku MencintaimuBuah HatiBukan CintaBukan Hari IniBukan Yang DuluBunga TidurDalam SetiakuDan AkuDemi MasaDendamDiaDilemaDramaGossipHebatnya AkuHilangIkrar KamiJanjiJauhKarmaKatakan SajaKaulah Yang TerindahKebyar KebyarKitaKu Pilih DiaKuasa-NyaKumbangKupilih DiaLangit BiruLima Menit Untuk Lima TahunLuka LamaMasa MudaMendaki GunungMengapa CemburuMentari & BulanMentari dan BulanMimpiNada DoaNafsuNyanyian SahabatPenantianPergiPinjam HatimuRaguRahasiaRecallSaat Jarak MemisahkanSalahSatu Nusa Satu BangsaSegitigaSemangatkuSendiriSialSuara KemenanganTak BerujungTak Pernah PadamTakkan KembaliTanpa RasaTeman SajaTemani AkuTerlalu IndahTerlukaThe Hardest PartUntuk BintangYang TerindahThe latest app collectionof lyrics chocolate just for loyal fans, here are a collection ofsongs from the band Chocolate:5 Minutes To 5 YearsIs thereEndI definitely Di SanaFlagHow much I love youBabynot LoveNot todayNot The FirstDreamin SetiakuAnd IFor the sake of timeRevengeHeDilemmaDramaGossipAmazingly IdisappearOur PledgePromiseFarKarmaJust say itYou're the most beautifulKebyar KebyarWeMe Choose HimHis powerBeetleHe chosenBlue skyFive Minutes To Five YearsOld woundsYouthMountain climbingWhy JealousySun & moonSun and moonDreamNada PrayerLustSongs of FriendsPenantianGoborrow Your HeartDoubtSecretRecallWhen Distance SplittingfalseOne country one nationtriangleMy spiritOwnbad luckSounds victoryEndlessNever go outwill not be backflavorlessfriends OnlyAccompany meToo beautifulInjuredThe Hardest Partfor StarsThe most beautiful
Tulus Lyrics 1.0
Tulus (singer) Muhammad Tulus (born August20,1987), better known by his stage name Tulus, is anIndonesiansinger-songwriter.His debut album, Tulus, was released in 2011. RollingStoneIndonesia put this album on the top chart of Indonesia's BestAlbumand awarded for Tulus as Rookie of The Year in 2013. Hissecondalbum, Gajah, was released in 2013. 88,000 copies wereproduced anddistributed since then, one of the largest CDproductions inIndonesia (2014-2015).It was the only music album in the Indonesian language thatwaslisted in The Top 10 Best Selling Music Album in iTunes Asia,twomonths in a row after it was released. The title of the albumwaschosen because it was a childhood nickname of Tulus. "Gajah"isalso the title of one of the songs on the album. It alsoincludesthe songs "Tanggal Merah", "Satu hari di Bulan Juni","Bumerang","Gajah" and others.
Lirik Lagu Chrisye 1.0
Chrismansyah Rahadi (lahir dengannamaChristian Rahadi di Jakarta, Indonesia, 16 September 1949–meninggal di Jakarta, Indonesia, 30 Maret 2007 pada umur 57tahun)yang lebih dikenal dengan nama panggung Chrisye, merupakanseorangpenyanyi dan pencipta lagu asal Indonesia.Dilahirkan di Jakarta dari keluarga Tionghoa-Indonesia,Chrisyemenjadi tertarik dengan musik saat masih muda. Waktu masihbelajardi SMA, Chrisye main gitar bas dalam sebuah band yang iabentukbersama kakaknya, Joris. Pada akhir dasawarsa 1960-an diamenjadianggota band Sabda Nada (yang kemudian hari berganti namamenjadiGipsy). Pada tahun 1973, setelah mengambil cuti beberapalama, diamengikuti band tersebut ke New York untuk main musik.Setelahkembali ke Indonesia untuk waktu singkat, dia kembali ke NewYorkdengan band lain, yaitu The Pro's. Sekembali ke Indonesia,padatahun 1976 dia bekerja sama dengan Gipsy dan GuruhSoekarnoputrauntuk merekam album indie Guruh Gipsy.Setelah keberhasilan Guruh Gipsy, pada tahun 1977Chrisyemenghasilkan dua karya terbaiknya, yaitu "Lilin-LilinKecil"tulisan James F. Sundah serta album jalur suara BadaiPastiBerlalu. Sukses kedua karya ini membuat Chrisye direkrutolehMusica Studios, yang dengan perusahaan rekaman itu diamerilisalbum solo perdananya, Sabda Alam, pada tahun 1978.Selamakariernya yang lebih dari 25 tahun dia menghasilkan 18 albumsololain, serta main dalam satu film: Seindah Rembulan (1981).Chrisye meninggal di rumahnya di Jakarta pada tanggal 30Maret2007 setelah bertahun-tahun mengidap kanker paru-paru.Diameninggalkan seorang istri, Gusti Firoza Damayanti Noor, danempatanak.Dikenal untuk vokalnya yang halus dan gaya panggung yangkaku,Chrisye dianggap salah satu penyanyi Indonesia legendaris.Limaalbum yang termasuk karyanya dimuat dalam daftar 150 AlbumIndnesiaTerbaik oleh majalah musik Rolling Stone Indonesia. Limalagunya(dan satu lagi yang dia mendukung) dimuat dalam daftar laguterbaikoleh majalah yang sama pada tahun 2009. Beberapaalbumnyadisertifikasi perak atau lebih tinggi. Dia menerima dualifetimeachievement award, satu pada tahun 1993 dari BASF Awardsdan satulagi pada tahun 2007 dari stasiun televisi SCTV. Pada tahun2011,Rolling Stone Indonesia mencatat Chrisye sebagai musisiIndonesiaterbaik nomor tiga sepanjang masa.AdakahAku Cinta DiaAku Cinta PadamuAnak JalananAnak SekolahAndai Aku BisaAnggrek BulanAngin MalamAngrek BulanBadai Pasti BerlaluBaju PengantinBulan NamanyaBurkatCinta KitaCinta Yang LainCintakuCintamu Telah BerlaluCitra HitamDamai Bersama-MuDara ManiskuDekadensiDendamDi Batas Akhir SenjaDi Bawah Sinar Bulan PertamaDiaDimanaDuka Sang BahaduriGalih Dan RatnaGelap 'Kan SirnaGerutu MenggerutuGita CintaHarapanHari HarikuHaruskahHidupku Untuk CintaHip Hip HuraChrismansyah Rahadi(bornwith the name of Christian Rahadi in Jakarta, Indonesia,September16, 1949 - died in Jakarta, Indonesia, March 30, 2007 atthe age of57 years), better known by the stage name of Christophe,is asinger and songwriter from Indonesia.Born in Jakarta on Chinese-Indonesian family, Christophebecameinterested in music when I was young. When I was studying inhighschool, Christophe played bass guitar in a band he formed withhisbrother, Joris. In the late 1960s he became a member of theWordband Nada (which later changed its name to Gipsy). In 1973,aftertaking time off for some time, he followed the band to NewYork toplay music. After returning to Indonesia for a short time,hereturned to New York with other bands, namely The Pro's. Onhisreturn to Indonesia, in 1976 he collaborated with Gipsy andguruhsukarnoputra to record an independent album Gipsy thunder.After the success of the Thunder Gipsy, in 1977Christopheproduced two of his best works, namely "Lilin-LilinKecil" writingJames F. Sundah and soundtrack album Badai PastiBerlalu. Successof these two works make Christophe recruited byMusica Studios, therecording company that he released his firstsolo album, SabdaAlam, in 1978. During his career more than 25years she produced 18other solo albums, as well as playing in onemovie: Seindah moon(1981).Christophe died at his home in Jakarta on March 30, 2007afteryears of suffering from lung cancer. He leaves a wife, GustiFirozaDamayanti Noor, and four children.Known for a smooth vocal style and stage rigid,ChristopheIndonesia is considered one of the legendary singer. Fivealbumsthat included his work published in the list of Top 150AlbumIndnesia by the music magazine Rolling Stone Indonesia. Fivesongs(and one which he supports) on the list of best songs by thesamemagazine in 2009. Some of his albums are certified silverorhigher. He received two lifetime achievement awards, one in1993and one of the BASF Awards again in 2007 from thetelevisionstation SCTV. In 2011, Rolling Stone Indonesia IndonesianotedChristophe as best number three musicians of all time.Is thereI love herI love youStreet childrenSchool childrenI wish I couldorchid MonthEvening breezePhalaenopsis amabilisEvery cloud has a silver liningWedding dressHis name monthBurkatOur loveLove OthersMy loveYour Love Has Passedimagery BlackTogether thy peaceDara SweetieDecadenceRevengeDeadline in SenjaDi Bawah Sinar First MonthHeWhereDuka Sang BahaduriGalih Dan RatnaDark 'Kan Sirnafumed MurmuringGita CintaHopeMy daysShouldMy Life To LoveHip Hip Hura
Lirik Lagu Element 1.0
Lirik Lagu Band Legendaris Indonesia,Elementyang populer di tahun 2000anAku Cinta KauAku LelakimuBukan Orang SuciBukan Org SuciBulan JatuhBulan Jatuh (feat. Igo)Cinta SejatiCinta Tak BersyaratCinta Tak Selalu IndahCinta Yang LainDi Tangan Sang NasibHanyalah CintaJangan Pernah Takut Mencintaiku (JPTM)Jangan Pernak Takut MencintaikuKu Persembahkan NirwanaKupersembahkan NirwanaKupersembahkan_nirwanaMaaf Dari SurgaMenunggu Tanpa WaktuPacar Tanpa TandinganPangeranPelukis AlamPercumaPergilah AdindaPulang Ke Dunia NyataRahasia HatiRatuSadar Tanpa DirimuSatu Cerita TentangSempurnakan CintaSenandung TidurSuatu Persembahan Cinta (Feat Chrisye)Tak TersisaTak Tersisa (feat. Rendy)Tak TerungkapTerserah KitaUntuk Dirimu Untuk HatikuWanitakuElement adalah grup band yang berdiri tanggal 14 Februari1999.Saat ini anggota grup tersebut adalah Ferdy Taher (vokalis),DidiRiyadi (drummer), Ibank (bassist), Fajar (keyboardist),Arya(gitaris), Adhit (gitaris).Awalnya, grup ini digawangi 7 orang, yaitu Didi Riyadisebagaidrummer, Ibank sebagai bassist, Fajar sebagai keyboardist,duaorang gitaris yaitu Arya dan Adhit serta dua orang vokalisyaituRonny Setiawan (alm) dan Lucky Widjatmoko. Album perdanamerekaadalah Hanyalah Cinta yang mengandalkan lagu berjudul samasebagaisingle pertama, dan lagu "Galau" sebagai single kedua. Albuminirilis di bawah Universal Music Indonesia yang mengontrakmerekasebanyak 3 album. Sedangkan manajemen Element dipegang olehOxygenEntertainment yang juga menangani fans club Element.Song Lyrics LegendaryBandIndonesia, Element popular in the 2000sI love youAku LelakimuNot the SaintsNot Org SaintsFall monthsMonth Fall (feat. Igo)True loveUnconditional loveI Love You Always BeautifulLove OthersFate in the HandsOnly loveNever Fear Love Me (JPTM)Do Knick Fear MencintaikuI dedicate NirwanaKupersembahkan NirwanaKupersembahkan_nirwanaSorry From HeavenWithout Waiting TimeWithout boyfriend CounterPrinceNatural painteruselessGo AdinaReturn To Real WorldSecret of the heartQueenWithout conscious WhistlesOne StoryEnhance LoveSleep hummingAn offering of Love (Feat Chrisye)Not RemainingNot Left (feat. Rendy)UntoldIt is up to WeTo Yourself To My HeartMy womanElement is a band that was established on February 14,1999.Currently a member of the group is Ferdy Taher (vocalist),DidiRiyadi (drummer), iBank (bassist), Dawn (keyboardist),Arya(guitarist), Adhit (guitarist).Initially, the group fronted 7, namely as a drummer DidiRiyadi,iBank as bassist, Dawn as keyboardist, two guitarists thatArya andAdhit and two vocalists namely Ronny Setiawan (late) andLuckyWidjatmoko. Their debut album is Only Love which rely on asongtitled the same as the first single, and the song "troubled" asthesecond single. The album was released under UniversalMusicIndonesia who sign them as many as three albums. Elementmanagementwhile held by Oxygen Entertainment, which also handlesthe fan clubElement.
Lirik Lagu Dewa 19 1.0
Adalah Aplikasi Lirik Lagu Dewa 19 UtukParaPenggemar Setia Dewa Semuanya.Dewa 19 adalah sebuah grup musik yang dibentuk pada tahun 1986diSurabaya, Indonesia. Grup ini telah beberapa kalimengalamipergantian personel dan formasi terakhirnya sebelumdibubarkan padatahun 2011 adalah Ahmad Dhani (kibor), Andra Junaidi(gitar), OnceMekel (vokal), Yuke Sampurna (bass) dan Agung Yudha(drum). Setelahmerajai panggung-panggung festival di akhir era1980-an, Dewa 19kemudian hijrah ke Jakarta dan merilis albumpertamanya pada tahun1992 di bawah label Team Records.Grup ini telah meraih kerugian sepanjang dekade 1990-andan2000-an melalui serangkaian lagu-lagu bergenre rock dan pop.Albumyang mereka rilis nyaris selalu mendapat sambutan bagus dipasaran,bahkan album mereka yang dirilis tahun 2000, BintangLima,merupakan salah satu album terlaris di Indonesia denganpenjualanhampir 2 juta keping. Pada tahun 2005, majalah Haimenobatkan Dewa19 sebagai band terkaya di Indonesia denganpendapatan mencapailebih dari 14 miliar setahun. Di tengahkesuksesan yang diraihnya,grup ini sempat beberapa kali tersandungmasalah hukum, termasukmasalah pelanggaran hak cipta danperseteruan dengan ormasIslam.Sepanjang perjalanan kariernya, Dewa 19 telah menerimabanyakpenghargaan, baik BASF Awards maupun AMI Awards. Mereka jugapernahmeraih penghargaan LibForAll Award di Amerika Serikatataskontribusi mereka pada upaya perdamaian dan toleransiberagama.Pada tahun 2008, Dewa 19 masuk ke dalam daftar "TheImmortals: 25Artis Indonesia Terbesar Sepanjang Masa" oleh majalahRollingStone. Dewa diakui sebagai salah satu legenda atau ikonterbesardalam sejarah musik populer Indonesia.Air MataAku Cinta Kau Dan DiaAku Disini UntukmuAku MilikmuAku Tetaplah AkuAnginArjunaArjuna Mencari CintaAspirasi PutihAtas Nama CintaBayang BayangBukan Cinta Manusia BiasaBukan RahasiaBungaCemburuCindiCinta Adalah MisteriCinta GilaCintailah CintaCintakan Membawamu KembaliCukup Siti NurbayaApplications arelyricsDewa 19 Utuk Enthusiasts Everything Faithful Gods.Dewa 19 is a musical group formed in 1986 in Surabaya,Indonesia.This group has several times experienced a change ofpersonnel andformation last before disbanded in 2011 is AhmadDhani (keyboards),Andra Junaidi (guitar), Once Mekel (vocals),Yuke Sampurna (bass)and Agung Yudha (drums). Having dominated thefestival stages in thelate 1980s, Dewa 19, then moved to Jakartaand released his firstalbum in 1992 under the label TeamRecords.The group has achieved a loss throughout the 1990s and2000sthrough a series of songs and pop rock genre. The albumtheyrelease almost always well received in the market, eventhosealbums released in 2000, Five Star, is one of thebest-sellingalbum in Indonesia with sales of nearly 2 millioncopies. In 2005,Dewa 19 O magazine crowned as the richest band inIndonesia withrevenues reaching more than 14 billion a year. In themidst of thesuccess he achieved, this group had several timesstumble legalproblems, including the problem of copyrightinfringement and feudwith Islamic organizations.Throughout his career, Dewa 19 has received many awards,bothBASF and AMI Awards Awards. They have also been awardedLibForAllAward in the United States for their contributions to thequest forpeace and religious tolerance. In 2008, Dewa 19, enteredinto thelist of "The Immortals: 25 Indonesia Greatest Artists ofAll Time"by Rolling Stone magazine. Dewa is recognized as one ofthegreatest legends or icons in the history of popularmusicIndonesia.TearsI Love YouI am here for youI am yoursI'm still meWindArjunaArjuna looking for loveaspiration WhiteIn the name of loveBayang BayangBukan Cinta Manusia Biasanot SecretFlowerJealousCindiLove is misteryCrazy LoveLove LoveLove will take you backQuite Siti Nurbaya
Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals [OI] 1.0
Aplikasi Terbaru Lirik Lagu Iwan FalsDenganLirik Lagu Terlengkap Di Dalamnya!Iwan Fals yang bernama lahir Virgiawan Listanto (lahirdiJakarta, 3 September 1961; umur 54 tahun) adalah seorangPenyanyiberaliran Balada, Pop, Rock, dan Country yang menjadi salahsatulegenda di Indonesia.Lewat lagu-lagunya, ia 'memotret' suasana sosialkehidupanIndonesia pada akhir tahun 70'an hingga sekarang,kehidupan duniapada umumnya, dan kehidupan itu sendiri. Kritik atasperilakusekelompok orang (seperti Wakil Rakyat, Tante Lisa), empatibagikelompok marginal (misalnya Siang Seberang Istana, Lonteku),ataubencana besar yang melanda Indonesia (atau kadang-kadang diluarIndonesia, seperti Ethiopia) mendominasi tema lagu-laguyangdibawakannya. Namun, Iwan Fals tidak hanya menyanyikanlaguciptaannya sendiri tetapi juga sejumlah pencipta lain.Iwan yang juga sempat aktif di kegiatan olahraga, pernahmeraihgelar Juara II Karate Tingkat Nasional dan Juara IV KarateTingkatNasional 1989, sempat masuk pelatnas dan melatih karatedikampusnya, STP (Sekolah Tinggi Publisistik). Iwan jugasempatmenjadi kolumnis di beberapa tabloid olah raga.Kharisma seorang Iwan Fals sangat besar. Dia sangat dipujaolehkaum 'akar rumput'. Kesederhanaannya menjadi panutanparapenggemarnya yang tersebar di seluruh nusantara. Parapenggemarfanatik Iwan Fals bahkan mendirikan sebuah yayasan padatanggal 16Agustus 1999 yang disebut Yayasan Orang Indonesia ataubiasadikenal dengan seruan OI. Yayasan ini mewadahi aktivitasparapenggemar Iwan Fals. Hingga sekarang kantor cabang OI dapatditemuidi setiap penjuru nusantara dan beberapa bahkan sampaikemancanegara.Ada Lagi Yang MatiAir Mata ApiAku AntarkanAku BerjalanAku BosanAku Bukan PilihanAku di SiniAku Milikmu (feat. Pongky)Aku Sayang KamuAlam MalamAlasanAmbisiBentoBerapaBerikan Pijar MatahariBerkacalah JakartaBesar dan KecilBidadari SenjakalaBongkarBuktikanBuku Ini Aku PinjamBung HattaRecent ApplicationslyricsIwan Fals With lyrics Complete In depth!Iwan Fals named born Virgiawan Listanto (born in Jakarta,3September 1961; age 54 years) is a homage to the singerBallad,Pop, Rock, and Country which became one of the legendsinIndonesia.Through his songs, he 'photographed' atmosphere Indonesiansociallife in the late 70's to the present, the life of the worldingeneral, and life itself. The criticism of the behavior of agroupof people (such as the People's Deputy, Aunt Lisa), empathyformarginalized groups (eg Siang Seberang Istana, Lonteku), ormajordisasters that struck Indonesia (or sometimes outsideIndonesia,such as Ethiopia) dominate theme songs that brings.However, IwanFals not just sing his own songs but also a number ofothercreators.Iwan who also was active in sports, never won SecondPlaceNational Level Karate and Karate IV National Champion in 1989,hadentered the national training and practice karate in college,STP(High School Publication). Iwan also became a columnist inseveralsports tabloid.Iwan Fals charisma of a very large. He was highly revered bythegrassroots'. Its simplicity became a role model fansscatteredthroughout the archipelago. Iwan Fals rabid fans even setup afoundation on August 16, 1999 called the IndonesianPeopleFoundation, commonly known by the call OI. Thisfoundationaccommodate the fans Iwan Fals. Until now OI branches canbe foundin every corner of the archipelago and some even up toforeigncountries.No Longer The DeadTears of FireI TakeI walkI am boredI am not an optionI am hereI'm Yours (feat. Pongky)I love younatural NightReasonAmbitionBentoHow manyGive Incandescent Sun.Berkacalah JakartaBig and smallangel TwilightunloadingProveThis book I BorrowBung Hatta
Lirik Lagu Ari Lasso 1.0
Aplikasi Terbaru Kumpulan Lirik LaguLegendarisAri Lasso yang terbaru hanya di aplikasi android ini,berikut inibeberapa Judul Lirik Lagu Ari Lasso:Aku Bukanlah DirikuAku Dan DirimuAku Harus PergiAmpunilahArti CintaBadai Pasti BerlaluBelahan JiwaBerakhir IndahCinta ButaCinta SejatiCinta TerakhirCintailah Aku Sepenuh HatiGagalHampaHancurHasrat SekejapHuma Di Atas BukitIronisJalanku Tak PanjangJikaJika Aku Bukanlah AkuKarena Aku Telah DenganmuKata SiapaKauKeajaiban CintaKedamaian HatiKisah KitaLirihMana Ku TahuMengejar MatahariMisteri IllahiNelangsaOST Badai Pasti BerlaluPatah HatiPenjaga HatiPerbedaanPercumaPerjalanan PanjangRahasia PerempuanRayuan GombalRelakan Aku PergiSampai KapanSatu Cinta Feat Sandy CanesterSeandainyaSehidup SematiSelamat Jalan MamaTak Ada Yang Perlu DisesaliTolonglah AkuTuhan Kau TahuTulusYang TerbaikRecent Applications setoflyrics Legendary latest Ari Lasso only in this android app, herearesome Title Song Lyrics Ari Lasso:I Is not MeMe and youI have to goforgiveMeaning of loveEvery cloud has a silver liningSoulmateBeautiful endsBlind loveTrue loveLast lovelove me wholeheartedlyFailedhollowwreckeddesire InstantHuma Di Atas BukitIronicNot my path lengthIfIf I Is not IBecause I Have Been DenganmuSays whoYouLove MiraclePeace of mindOur storylowWhere I KnowChasing the Sundivine mysterymiserableOST Badai Pasti BerlaluBroken heartHeart keeperDifferenceuselessLong journeyWomen secretEmpty sweet talkRelax Me GoUntil whenOne Love Feat Sandy CanestersupposingTill death do Us partGoodbye MamaThere's nothing to be sorryHelp meLord You KnowSincereThe best
Lirik Lagu Drive 1.0
Drive adalah grup musik dari Jakarta,Indonesiayang dibentuk pada tahun 2003. Anggota band ini berjumlahempatorang yaitu Adi Sukarno Suryo Bawono, Ilhamsyah DyegoPratama, SalehBudi Rahardjo, dan Tirta Adilla. Album pertamanyaialah Esok LebihBaik yang dirilis pada tahun 2007 dengan laguandalan "Tak Terbalas"dan "Bersama Bintang".Aku Yang TerlukaAkulah DiaBerhenti SekarangBerhenti Sekarang (verse)Berhenti Sekarang!Bersama BintangBersama Bintang (verse)Cukup BahagiaDi SiniDisiniHIKYPHIKYP (Hari Ini Kau Yang Punya)Hikyp (verse)Kalah Untuk MenangKarena KitaKarena Kita (chorus)Kau & DiaKau Dan DiaKau Dan Dia (verse)KeduaKedua (chorus)Kesempatan Yang KeduaKita Hanya BertemanLarut Menuju PagiLarut Menuju Pagi (verse)Lupakan AkuLupakan Aku (reff Acoustic)MelepasmuMimpi SelamanyaMimpi Selamanya (reff)SahabatSebuah KisahSekuat HatiSesalTak TerbalasTak Terbalas (verse)Tentang KitaTersenyumlahWanita TerindahYang Ku Mau (Kau Tak Mau)Yang KumauYang Kumau (kau Tak Mau)Yang Kumau Kau Tak Mau (chorus)Drive is a bandfromJakarta, Indonesia, which was formed in 2003. Members of thisbandconsists of four members, namely Adi Suryo BawonoSukarno,Ilhamsyah Dyego Primary, Saleh Budi Rahardjo, and TirtaLim. Hisfirst album Better Tomorrow, released in 2007 with thesmash "ThereTerbalas" and "Bersama Bintang".I The WoundedI am Hestop NowStop Now (verse)Stop it Now!together StarsBersama Bintang (verse)quite HappyHerehereHIKYPHIKYP (Today You've Got)Hikyp (verse)Lose To WinBecause weBecause We (chorus)You & HimYou TonightYou Tonight (verse)SecondSecond (chorus)Second chanceWe Only FriendTowards Late MorningAfter Towards morning (verse)Forget meForget Me (Acoustic Chorus)Melepasmudream ForeverDream Forever (chorus)FriendA storyAs strong as the HeartRegretNot TerbalasNot Terbalas (verse)About UssmileThe most beautiful womanYang Ku Mau (You Do not Want)which KumauWhich Kumau (You Do not Want)Which Kumau You Do not Want (chorus)
Lirik Lagu Nike Ardilla 1.1
Aplikasi Kumpulan Lirik Lagu NikeArdilaTerbaru & Terlengkap Hanya di PlayStore.Raden Rara Nike Ratnadilla Kusnadi atau Nike Ardilla (lahirdiBandung, Jawa Barat, 27 Desember 1975 – meninggal di Bandung,JawaBarat, 19 Maret 1995 pada umur 19 tahun) adalah seorangpenyanyi,pemeran, dan model berkebangsaan Indonesia. Ia tewas pada19 Maret1995 ketika mobil Honda Civic yang dikendarainya menghantambetondi jalan Raden Eddy Martadinata di kota Bandung.Aku Takkan BersuaraBelenggu CintaBiarkan Cintamu BerlaluBiarlah Aku MengalahBila Cinta Mulai BersemiBintang KehidupanCinta Diantara KitaCinta PutihDalam Biru HatikuDeru DebuDuri TerlindungIzinkanKau Bukan UntukkuLukaMama Ku Ingin PulangMatahariku (feat. Deddy Dores)Nyalakan Api KehidupanPanggung Sandiwara (feat. Ian Antono and Taufik Ismail)Sandiwara CintaSeberkas SinarStar Of LifeSuara HatiTinggalah Diriku SendiriNike Ardilla adalah gadis kelahiran Bandung tanggal 27Desember1975 dari pasangan Raden Eddy Kusnadi dan NiningNingsihrat. Sejakkecil sudah mengawali karier dengan mengikutiberbagai festivalmenyanyi di Bandung, sampai kemudian bakatnyaditemukan olehproduser musik Deddy Dores. Karier musiknya di duniahiburan pundimulai.Tahun 1987, Ibunya memboyong Nike Ardilla ke HimpunanArtisPenyanyi Musisi Indonesia (HAPMI) asuhan Djadjat Paramor. Disanaia bertemu dengan Deni Kantong, guru menyanyinya, dan DeniSabrieyang kemudian menjadi manajernya. Deni Kantong danSabriememperkenalkannya pada Deddy Dores.Deddy membuatkan beberapa lagu untuk album pertama Nikeyangbertajuk Seberkas Sinar yang terjual lebih dari 500.000ribukopi.[3] Sebelumnya Deddy Dores juga sempat menyatukan Nikedengandua anak didik Deddy dan Deni bernama Deni Angels bersama CutIrnadan Lady Avisha.Tahun berikutnya Nike merilis album keduanya yangbertajukBintang Kehidupan yang mendapatkan sambutan luar biasa, danterjualdengan angka yang fantastis, yaitu dua juta unit.Selanjutnya Nikemerilis album-album yang menjadi best seller.Karier Nike Ardilladalam dunia seni peran juga berjalan mulus. Nikebermain filmKasmaran yang dibintangi juga oleh Ida Iasya dan SlametRahardjo,1987.Dan juga menjadi pemeran utama di Film Ricky Nakalnya AnakMudabersama almarhum Ryan Hidayat pada tahun 1990 dan terusmelahirkanfilm-film box office sepanjang periode akhir 80-an danawal 90-an.Nike Ardilla juga sukses dalam beberapa sinetron. Selainsebagaipenyanyi dan bintang film, Nike Ardilla juga mengawalikariernyasebagai seorang model. Terbukti dengan menjadi pemenangFavoritpada ajang GADIS Sampul 1990.Applications set oflyricsNike Ardilla Newest & Most Complete Only in PlayStore.Raden Rara Ratnadilla Kusnadi Nike or Nike Ardilla (borninBandung, West Java, December 27, 1975 - died in Bandung, WestJava,March 19, 1995 at the age of 19 years) is a singer, actress,andmodel of Indonesian nationals. He died on March 19, 1995 whentheHonda Civic car he was driving hit a concrete eddymartadinatastreet in the city of Bandung.I Takkan Voiceshackles LoveLet your Love PassedLet I SuccumbingWhen Love Begin BersemiStar of LifeLove Among KitaWhite loveIn Blue My heartThe roar of DustDuri ShieldedAllowYou're not for mewoundMama I Want You HomeMatahariku (feat. Deddy Dores)Light the Fire of LifeTheatrical Stage (feat. Ian Antono and Taufik Ismail)Theatrical loveA beam of lightStar Of LifeConscienceTinggalah MyselfNike Ardilla is a girl born in Bandung on December 27, 1975ofRaden pair Eddy Kusnadi and Nining Ningsihrat. Sincechildhood,already began his career by participating in varioussingingfestival in Bandung, until then he was discovered by musicproducerDeddy Dores. His musical career in the entertainmentworldbegan.In 1987, his mother brought to Nike Ardilla ArtistsSingerMusicians Association of Indonesia (HAPMI) Djadjat careParamor.There he met with Deni Pockets, singing teacher, and DeniSabriewho later became his manager. Deni Pockets and Sabrieintroducedhim to Deddy Dores.Deddy made several songs for the first album, titled Nike beamoflight which sold more than 500,000 copies. [3] Previous DeddyDoresalso briefly unite Nike with two students named Deni DeniDeddy andAngels together Cut Irna and Lady Avisha.The following year Nike released his second album titledLifeStar is getting tremendous response, and sold by a number,which istwo million units. Furthermore, Nike released albums thatbecame abest seller. Nike Ardilla career in the world of acting isalsorunning smoothly. Nike playing movie starring Kasmaran also byIdaIasya and Slamet Rahardjo, 1987.And also a major player in Film Ricky Nakalnya Anak Muda withthelate Ryan Hidayat in 1990 and continues to bear the films boxofficeduring the period of the late 80's and early 90's. NikeArdilla wasalso successful in several soap operas. Apart frombeing a singerand movie star, Nike Ardilla also began her careeras a model.Favorite proved to be a winner at the event in 1990cover girl.
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Unique Dark Nail Art Tutorial 2.0.1
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Flowers Nail Art Tutorial 2.1.4
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